Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So it's muted browns and greens outside right now and the plant catalogs have me ready for spring. To get us through the month I think color is just the thing. If the colors are complementary, clashing, raucous or whatever bring it on. Everything but orange bikinis is welcome : )

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So far, the first day of February has been perfect. I haven't seen the blue sky all month because of the inversion here, it's been grey and misty and full of pollution. Today, the inversion lifted and I can finally see the blue sky. I will never take seeing sky for granted again! Beautiful.

Pictures to come. :-)

Beautiful here today too!  I'll have to look for some color.  Right now, I'm getting adjusted to a new Gateway, Windows 8 and GIMP instead of Photoshop.  Can we spell S-L-O-W???  :)

You have my sympathy.

I love my Forest Pansy redbud.


and my red daylilies.

A little color helps midwinter.

F, these are wonderful and I absolutely love that first one.

The F. P. redbud is gorgeous as is the monkshood and daylily. Great lighting on all.  The center of the daylily glows!

I know, it looks like there is a spotlight on it but only the sun.

Lovely pictures!!

F, these are stunning and I love the blurred background in the first two!!!


Gorgeous, F.

Forest pansy red bud? I must have one!



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