Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Do have any photos (not necessarily those with doodles in them) that others are welcome to play with using various post-processing techniques? Post them here!

Do you like to play with photos? Show us what you can do, and share your techniques with us! 



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I can C it!!!!!  :-)  Love the look of the rain with the lightening.

It's funny. I see two pictures looking back. One with water in front but a blue sky. Not one with lightening like here. But there is/was no indication that there was another picture. I use Mozilla Firefox and run Windows 7 on a Mac laptop. Does any of this make sense? Any way love the above picture.

It's interesting how different web browsers and platforms (PC vs Mac) can show different things. This drives web designers (like both of my kids) nuts, because something can look perfect on one, and be askew on another.

When I look back at my original post using my Mac (OS SnowLeopard), I can still see all three of my images (dark blue clouds/dry ground... dark blue sky/wet ground... gray clouds with lighting/rain/wet ground) using Google Chrome and Safari.  On my PC however, (running Windows Vista), when I view it in Chrome, the third image is replaced by a tiny little box with a little Windows symbol on it; on Internet Explorer there's a huge blank box with a small red "x" in the corner. I sure wish there was one, universal computer platform and one, great working web browser. Ah, well, maybe someday...

Not in our lifetimes perhaps. No box, no x, no picture in the setup I described above!

YES! example for me.... This website is all askew on my mac at work.  I just thought it was due to the blocked content. Parts of the website are not allowed my the main server.  My page background is centered but all of the content is shifted to the left.... Drives me crazy.

This is so cool....the lightening and the bike .... awesome!
This is fantastic!
Love the lightening.
Wow, I love how dramatic these are!
I like that...makes it look like an old postcard.
Wow Linda! That is awesome!!



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