Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Congratulations to all the winners!!! And we know that many people who submitted great photos after lots of hard work did not get selected. Many fine photos are not selected for reasons of all kinds. We'd love to see shots that were selected here as well as a personal favorite of those that did not get selected. Let's all look over the calendars, and order some of course, and get ideas for next year. Also, keep on shooting, I will skip today in deference to the hurricane we are in the midst of. But Adina noted she had few fall photos and it's a good idea to take photos in all seasons, not just right before the picture due date.

Admin Note: Our 2013 Labradoodle, Goldendoodle and Lotsa Doodle Calendars are here: Doodle Kisses Cafe Press Store


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This makes me feel so much better!! I will re-submit next year. I know I speak for the group when I say they would love to see Fudge and Vern each get their own month next calendar....LOL!!! Please, just take my word for it......I privately polled everyone :)

I actually loved the calendars this year, because I knew most of the Doodles and truly love seeing "our friends" in the calendar. Plus, F is right. The pictures were quirky and different this year, which I loved. Great job, Adina.

Ummmm.........I must have missed the poll. But this is the second time today you've Liked my thinking.

Your memory is failing. You were in favor :) I must be dizzy from making the calendar to like your thinking twice today!!

This year lots of "unusual" photos made the cut including mine. There were dogs in all sorts of unusual poses, pieces missing but otherwise great photos, etc. I never thought my photo would be the one really either. How the Fudge on the boat didn't make it is beyond me. It might be because it looks almost too good to be true but I know that is not the case. You are right, Natalie must have been involved.   I do love the Vern photo, too.

Thanks, F. If Adina had let us "help" her on the cruise, Fudge would have been the cover, unless Doris got involved. LOL

Glad that I wasn't the one that had to select because these are all really really good.

Thanks, Jane.

Now this would be a hard choice!  I love the boat shot of Fudge, and the bottom center one of Vern.  Is it too late to change the calendars?  LOL

Thanks, Pat.

Congratulations Laurie.  Natalie did a great job!

Thanks, Jane :)

I LOVE the windblown Vern shot. Definitely a favorite! All are just great photos!



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