Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm sure you have heard on the news that here in Southern California we are having a huge rain and wind storm that has been going on for a week now.  After 7 years of a drought this storm is hitting us hard.  Gracie has never experienced this and is therefore in a quandry as to what to do!! This is how she spends most of the day.  Tennis ball near by, waiting for the weather to clear.  Notice the palm trees blowing??? 





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He doesn't think it is bath time - he thinks he is just right!
Oh my, Murphy looks like a very happy muddy Doodle! He is smiling! Bath time for sure. We are taking Gracie Doodle to the snow tomorrow so she should be looking much the same way though hopefully no mud!!
Murphy would make a good calender picture for next year.-)
Thanks Kathy, which MONTH do you think we could put him under? He is one VERY happy doodle Nancie, and he hopped right into the bathtub later for his nice warm shampoo and conditioning. Dh thought I was nuts letting 2 doodles run in puddles and mud, but then had to admit he had a blast watching them and listening to my daughter and I laugh and giggle right along with the doods!!!!

But then I was always the kind of mom that let the kids play in puddles and go out in the rain.
Murphy actually looks proud!! to be so wet and muddy. I LOVE the pics you So Cal people shared of your doodles looking outside (what's this, rain?). So these guys drape themselves on sofas and everything. Where is the snow for Gracie Doodle (besides her in the Midwest)? I think I am in for a rude awakening. I've always had labs, no matter how muddy, hose them down and a slight dry and you are done. In the midwest, we get rain and mud in March and April. It's horrible. But not ALL AT ONCE like you guys in Cal. Wow. I just want to hug these CUTE doodles. Thanks for sharing the pics and Nanc, the 12 days of mud, very entertaining and you've got 3 dogs to wipe off. Multiple doodles may have to wait a bit for me. Memories of this mud coming back.
Here in California we got in one week - the entire amount of rainfall from last year! And we are due for another storm on Tuesday. I think our drought must be over!
Isn't there a song "They say in never rains in Southern California?"
Yea, well, Never say NEVER! I do wish my dogs hadn't ruined our grass and turned the area into dirt with weeds. If it were just grass....... wet would be fine.



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