Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I posted this on the main page, but thought I'd post it here too :).


Holly has went running with dh a few times in our snowy weather, and this is the first time I've seen her start to get Mats. We called the groomer this week and they couldn't get us in for almost two weeks with our work schedules, and them not being open on weekends. So we decided we'd schedule an appt at Petco just this one time, because I don't want her Mats to get any worse. Boy was that a mistake! We took her to her appointment today, and they told us their two longest clippers were 3/8" and 1/2". Our groomer always cuts her to 1" with no problems, so I don't know if they didn't have the right clippers or if our groomer scissor cuts her. Either way, the girl at Petco was extremely rude and said "well these are your only options so choose one or we'll leave her as is." How rude of her! She also said if they scissor cut her she would look choppy and uneven. She had a very bad attitude and made me feel dumb for asking them to leave her longer than 1/2". We ended walking out, with her gawking and me and dh like we were the rude ones. Geesh! Anyways this was more of a vent than a question, but I guess I'm wondering why my groomer can do it but the Petco groomers can't. Are there clippers for 1" or does my groomer likely scissor cut her? I've never asked how she does it, because it's never mattered. Anyways thanks for any input!

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I just bought my clippers, and haven't even used them yet, but I have three attachments longer than 1/2", and I am a blatant amateur.  :)
Seriously, if you went to your own hair dresser 9FOR YOUR OWN HAIR) and   ask for a certain hair style, and they said "ooops no, gotta shave ya!"   how much do you want to pay them:?
Happy always to listen to a rant - I have often done so myself!  But I have to say that my girls get great cuts at PetSmart - very much depends on the individual groomer, as always.  PetSmart has a folder of dog cuts - Schnauzers look like this, Poodles look like that, etc.  Their Doodle pic is a good one and that's the way they clip my girls - clippers over the body and legs, scissors on tail and head.  They always look great.


That's good go know! We just made a new appointment at PetSmart for tomorrow morning, I'm hoping we'll have a better experience there than we did at Petco. I'm really disappointed we couldn't get her into our groomer sooner, with her it took 2 cuts to get it how we wanted it, but now it's so easy and she does a great job every time. Anyways hoping for a good experience tomorrow. 

When you take Holly Doodle in you make very sure they understand exactly what you want.  Tell them about the snout, between the eyes, paws and feet, tail and sanitary.  There are so many horror stories out there about these groomers being young novice people in training and some don't even know what a Doodle is or what they look like.  Be very explicit and if they don't get it, tell them to error on longer than shorter cut.  No blades on the sanitary or you could come home with razor burn and a bald "goodness" if you know what I mean!!!!  Nothing worse than looking at your Doodle's behind as the walk in front of you and you see everything she owns right down to the skin.  Let us know how it goes!!!  Good Luck!
After three "recommended groomers that shaved or wanted to shave Monty"  I say F them.  Walk away and never say you are sorry!  if I went to my hairdresser and ask for something and she ultimately told me or worse yet assumed.............and literally shaved my head!! My gawd, it better at least look decent!!!  well hells bells, she is fired and sued!   groomers in my experience charged WAY too much to friggin shave my dog to the bone!  Of course there are clippers to do what you want, they are bullshitting you!
I had the same problem at Petsmart - they look at me like I'm nuts because they don't have clippers longer than 1/2" (which is weird because the store sells longer ones!) I should have done what you did - for my dogs sake, because they shaved him and he looked terrible! Never again!
Your groomer probably uses a clipper comb attachment over a 10 or 30 blade.  Recently I ordered a couple of new blades online 5/8" and 3/4", which I have not seen available locally.  No one should be treated that way.  If Petco doesn't groom using clipper combs or scissor cuts, she should of politely said so.  I would have done the same thing and walked out.
Thanks again for the responses. I'm learning from all of you, and yes I'm so glad we walked out! I'm trying to comb out the Mats as we speak, they're mainly around her elbows and back by her tail, so not too bad. Maybe we can wait a couple of weeks....we'll at least see how tomorrow goes!

There is no excuse for rudeness. It is possible that she doesn't have or has never heard of longer blades. Not all groomers are well trained and she could be defensive. Still not a good excuse for rudeness.

I have a 3 3/4 or 13mm blade. It's a skip tooth blade so leaves an inch of coat with a  more casual appearence.

I also have a 3/4 or 19mm blade. This a finishing blade, not a skip tooth, and leaves 1 1/2 to 2 inches of coat. It depends on the coat somewhat.

Both blades are Andis.

Hi Barb...I still am confused about all the blade choices.  I just wrote down your suggestions.  My confusion is that I had read somewhere that skip tooth blades were hard to use and they were easier to maybe nick or cut the Doodle.  Is this true?  Is there a correct way to use them or a different way other than using the regular blades?  I never have used a blade without a comb attachment.  So I am always #10 and vary my comb attachments based on summer (1/2") and winter (1").  Gracie is a Goldendoodle and has very soft wavy fine hair. It is not really dense or thick.  Easy to part and see the skin.   It actually lays down when I clip so I have to back brush her to get the hair to stand up.  I find it is easier to clip her when she is not squeaky clean and the hair has a little bit of body to it.  Also, when would you use a finishing blade?  I am really confused as to how the coat can be long with a blade that is not accompanied by a comb attachment.  I use the Andis clippers but still need to understand the blades.  You have been such an inspiration and help to all of us.  I know over the years your advice has helped me a lot!  Thank you so much for always being there to answer our questions.

Here is picture of my longest blade.  I like this one a lot as it will do my woolly coats. The snap on blades just don't work. They get caught in the coat and pop off and then I risk getting a hole in the coat...not to mention the dog.

I wrote the other day that skip tooth blades are more dangerous. Glad to see you were reading. :)

The shorter the skip tooth, the more dangerous it is.

 No. 7 skip tooth is the most dangerous.

The longer ones are safer. I have the 3 3/4 which is quite safe. The intended use for skip tooth blades is to pre cut or rough out before a bath and then use a smoother finishing blade after the bath. We don't necessarily want our doodles to be too smooth, so I like the look of the skip tooth. Also, the skip tooth is easier to get thru a coat. My thickest coats I rough out with scissors and then use the skip tooth after the bath. I must say though, that often my rough out with scissors is the finished product. Here is a pic of a scissor rough out, a bath and fluff, then a scissor touch up. A few days later he has his dreads again so any little spots that aren't perfect disappear.



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