Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So I finally worked up the nerve to clipper cut Quincy. It took a lot longer to do than I expected because I had trouble getting through his coat. I should have scissor cut him first. I used the 1 1/4 comb attachment on his body and the 7/8 on his legs. I tried with the #10 blade but had to change to a #40 and after putting the comb attachment back on the clippers a million times when it kept popping off this is the result. This is as short as I want to go. I was afraid to use the clippers because I thought he might be too short, but I really like this length and all I have to do is run the clippers over him every couple of weeks, which now takes no time at all. I think I still need to trim his head a little closer and maybe take his legs a little shorter next time but overall I am happy with the result.


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Donna, He actually looks very good and you do the same thing I do and be very conservative on the face and head. When you see pictures of professionally groomed doodles they have a lot less hair on their heads and I never really know where to clipper and where to scissor cut the head so I tend to not do much.  I am going to get a lot braver for the summer here soon as it's getting into the 100's here already.

i like the length on his legs too.  overall I think it's a great first attempt. And He looks happy.

Thanks Sue, 100's, I get excited when we hit the 60's. Quincy would not do well where you live and neither would I, once it gets past 75, we are both too warm.
Really good job Donna!  I like that length alot.  Still very doodly looking but cooler and easier to manage.  Quincy looks as handsome as ever!
Thanks BG, if it actually gets warmer I may be brave and go just a little shorter.
Quincy always looks handsome but now he looks cool too.  You did a great job getting it even.  I think we are doing some grooming this weekend too - maybe it will bring warmer weather.

Pup looks fantastic! Nice look on the legs....and I like the face. He looks real cuddly!


Did the #40 help? I went to buy one yesterday and was told 'that is a surgical blade don't buy that'. Geez....everybody talks about the #40! I might go to another store today where they let me buy what I want!


The #40 blade worked really well, but do not make the mistake of using it without a comb attachment or you will have a totally bald doodle. I found the fur tangled in the blade when using the #10. You can also get #30 but I don't know how much difference there is between the 30 and 40. Good luck.

What a Great job you did with Quincy's cut  Donna!

He looks fantastic!!

It will be so  much easier to take care of during the summer...especially if he likes to go in the water...

Great Job!


He looks Great!  I like the length too. did a great job.  Quincy looks awesome.  For me, this would be the shortest I would ever go, as I like "shaggy" dogs!  I like the slightly longer look of his head.  I am starting to gather tools and my nerves to work on grooming Rua.  I have blending shears and my stylist is going to give me a pair of her older scissors and dog clippers that someone gave her.  I have started by trimming around her eyes and taking a little off the top.  Given the fact that Rua is under 17lbs and doesn't have as thick of a coat as Quincy has, I am hoping I can tackle her fairly easily.  My only concern is shaving her tummy and doing a sani cut! 
I prefer the shaggy look as well and like to keep some length. Quincy is really good about getting groomed, he doesn't wiggle away or put up any kind of fuss so that makes things much easier. I don't think I would have the nerve to try with an uncooperative dog.My biggest problems are his face and head, I never quite know what  to do with them. I basically used the clippers from his collar line back and used the thinning shears on his face and head.

I did this pic a while ago. It may be longer than what you are looking for but it's definitely shaggy.



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