Not sure if I should be posting here or in Health and Medical.....Toby was recently diagnosed with epilepsy, has been on phenobarbital since last Friday, almost a week now, for "cluster" seizures, . We have noticed he seems to be very aggitated, plays very rough and very aggressively now. When ever he would start to play to rough, we would use the command "time to quit", and he was very responsive. Now....everything is a challenge! We have also noticed he has an endless appetite now. Has anyone experienced similar issues when using the phenobarbitol? I have done some research on phenobarbitol and can not find anything regarding this. Any suggestions would be helpful. The good thing.....has not had seizures since we started the the phenobarbitol...and that we are very happy about! :-)
Glad to hear this. Nothing better then not having to use drugs! You just got to be quick enough to get the icepack on before the seizure. Jasper will vomit and seizure within less then a minute! I wonder, if the hip and mid back sections are acupuncure pressure points and therefore work so well?
I am keen to do some research on the success of EAR ACUPUNCTURE TAPS/ Tacks.
Does anybody know about this?
Speaking of ice packs and ice cream.......Toby had a grand mal seizure this evening about 9:10pm. He has always had them in clusters of three, so it is going to be a long night. He is very nervous and pacing a lot since the seizure, so we figure the next one probably isn't far off , normally he is a very sound sleeper at night. Will be in contact with the vet early in the morning. They doubled his dose of phenobarbital with the last seizures, so we were hoping that would work.
Great suggestion for the vanilla ice cream. We also followed your recommendation for that, and now we keep it in the freezer at all times. Toby gets about a tablespoon after every seizure. He loves it, and I believe it does help!