Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, I don't have a yard or Garden. But I do have a nice sunny balcony. I believe somewhere on here linked to a discussion about growing vegetables in large porcelain pots. I was thinking about doing strawberries, peas... and something else. I would love tomatoes... but they grow on really big vines, don't they? Any suggestions for vegetables that can be grown in large pots? Oh, and when do I start planting? Now? The summer? Sorry, this is kind of a general abstract question... :-)

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You can grow tomatoes in pots, especially cherry tomatoes. You can just use a garden stake in a big pot, or even place the pot near your balcony railing and use that for a support. Peas grow on vines, too.
Herbs are perfect for pots; I love snipping fresh chives or parsley from my yard to use when cooking.
If you're past danger of frost in your area, plant now.
Karen is right, cherry tomatoes love growing in pots. We do some of our tomatoes in pots and some in the ground. You can also do bell peppers, herbs, and eggplant in pots. :)
All kinds of vegetables grow in containers. Regular tomatoes will do but there are varieties that are designed for containers. Plant after the first frost free date in your area. around here we usually plant around May 15 for tender plants but when I was a kid they said Memorial Day. Tomatoes like heat and will suffer if it's too cold and not grow well till it's warm. Peas and certain other vegetables go in early. By now, you need to buy plants, not seed. That's much easier anyhow.
So I could put like, a 2x4 in the pot for the tomatoes to rest against? I would love to grow chives, I love them. I guess I'll head to my gardening store (Lowes?) and check out what they have. Do I need to wait until it's really warm to plant a tomato plant then? I know temp varies, I live in Utah and it doesn't get 100 percent warm until at least may. So should I wait until then? Thanks so much!
You can actually buy a tomato stand to put in your pot (it's metal and shaped kinda like a cone...your garden store can point you in the right direction). I would wait until May if that is the time that it's warm. You don't want to risk having a frost. We live in GA, so most of our veggies are now planted and it's 80 degrees.
Camilla, I think a 1x1 stake will be ok for a pot and as it grows tie it to the stake with loose"don't tie it tight" string or a torn piece of cloth. The rule of thumb for planting in PA is wait until Mother's day. Or if you do plant early you can set them inside on cold nights.
And do follow F Parker's advice to get the herbs & cooler weather producers in the ground now; you can buy herbs that are already growing now. I've been cutting herbs for a couple of weeks, and I'm in Chicago.
I'm headed to Lowes tonight to check out what they have. I suppose there might be a better place to find plants... but I don't know where. Are there garden stores? I know, I am so ignorant on this front.
More and more nurseries by the day. I do buy common things at home Depot. They have small, shrubs for instance at good prices, But be careful that they look healthy, HD doesn't always keep thing well watered. Also, make sure the plants, if they ate perennials, are hardy in your area. HD not great about that either. For bigger, rarer and more expensive varieties, the plant nursery is the place to go. Have fun.
Carmilla ~ there are also - get this - upside down tomato plants that you can get.. they are more compact and DO actually grow tomatoes! My sister-in-law had a couple plants last year! The garden area workers in either Home depot or Lowes (or private nurseries) can help you even more! Good luck



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