Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The "fence guy" arrived yesterday, which was a blessing. The dogs had been escaping regularly , primarily to  run to my neighbor across the street. Luca, in particular, is infatuated with her. She is very kind and would entice the dogs back home by telling them she would play ball with them. I think I finally made it clear that this was not a good idea. I offered to give her a grooming brush to wave at them, which would have them running home without giving them an incentive to run away again. Luckily I live on a very quiet lane. It had gotten to the point where I had to be with the dogs every moment, and if i bent down to pull a dandelion, the Houdinis would be gone. My fence is really deer fencing but I had not had holes appear like this ever before. Patching the fence became like putting my finger in the d***.

The good news is that the "fence guy" said the dogs were innocent. He said either rabbits, but more likely woodchucks, were gnawing the holes and the dogs were just taking advantage of the holes.  He showed me that there were even more holes, all just above the wire fencing along the base of the deer netting. He did lots of repairs. I need to get rid of the woodchucks under the shed. I have tried trapping them in the past to no avail. Any good ideas? Sorry true animal lovers, of which I am one, but the woodchucks need drastic measures before my dogs get hurt. To be continued...

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Oh wow...deer too!!! I feel like I live on the Moon!!! I love wildlife and critters!
Do you have worms? : )
Yes we have worms silly lady! ha ha Snails too!
Be careful, they may get you.
ha ha ha ha
Thanks for the suggestion.
There is a pet supply store near me that sells all sorts of powdered concoctions made from predator urine (sounds disgusting, I know) which is supposed to keep varmints & vermin out of your yard...coyote urine, etc. I know you can order that kind of thing on-line, too. I don't know if they'd think just the smell of dog urine would do it. But it might be worth a try.
Thanks, been there, done that. Almost kept me out of the garden though.
In my part of California we have gophers, skunks, possums, and coyotes, as well as the usual squirrels and roof rats, no woodchucks though. They are cute - from a distance.
Oh yes, we have coyotes but they are rare in the residential area. And roof rats and cockroaches and spiders count too??
Thank goodness roof rats have not discovered the northeast AFAIK.



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