Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The Ecke Ranch is also located in San Diego.  The family history is amazing.  They are constantly striving for new hybrid plants and it seems like every year or so they introduce a new one.  Here are some of the plants that were on display at the Flower Fields in Carlsbad, California. 


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Stunning flowers and pictures! How very beautiful!! Between looking at these photos and seeing the photos of F. Parkers garden I'm feeling some inspiration to plant some flowers!! Or, I could just go to my friend Shirley's house and attend one of her tea parties and enjoy her flowers. I could enjoy the results of her hard work!! I know if I do any planting in my back yard, the plants would be trampled by my dogs in no time flat!!! The front yard would be much safer as they aren't allowed to be in the front close to the road. Thanks for posting these beautiful pictures Nancie!!
I am not a big fan of Poinsettias usually. But some of these varieties are beautiful and eye openers. Thanks, Nancie.
I think my favorite is the top photo. They look less like a Poinsettia than the others do.
I never cared much for poinsettias either - until I first visited Carlsbad during the Christmas season. That got me interested in the Ecke family. In addition one year, many years ago when I visited the Flower Fields during Christmas I was asked to vote for your favorite new poinsettia hybrids. I was hooked. My favorite for many years has been Jingle Bells. Then I had to have a few of the very deep red ones, and this year I added Ice Punch to my favorites list. Poinsettias, once you get hooked are kind of like doodles, you always want more. Of course I feel that way about roses and African violets too. Succulent gardens and their plants ( not cacti) have recently been calling to me in the nursery. Where will I put everything?
There is always a little space to shoehorn things in. That leaves less room for weeds! Of course, many of your recent addictions aren't hardy here, but I am always adding roses, daylilies, hellebores, and perennials too numerous to count. And dividing things. And giving away and receiving. My eyes are always bigger than my muscles : )



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