Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all...


Throwing this out there to everyone - I have access to a large, fully fenced field in the Salmon Creek area (North of Vancouver).  It's set up specifically for dogs and eventually the gal that owns it will be doing large dog daycare out there...she already does small dog daycare in a smaller area of the property.  If anyone is interested, once the rain kind of slows down, we could schedule romps out there as well.  I get my doodle together there with his doodle buddy often.  She would just ask for $2/dog.  If there's interest I can work on setting up days/times....would be fun!!!!

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Sounds like a great idea and a nice place, Rita.  Trav doesn't really play with other dogs, though.  He likes to play ball, and just hasn't been social since he became an adult.  :(  

Awww, that's too bad  :-(   It is really a neat place and nice to be outside for playdates.  Thanks for the response.

This sounds great! Let me know if more show interest and you set a play date!

Hope & I would be interested too.  And, anyone wanting to go to Thousand Acres Dog Park in Troutdale-ring me @503.577.2636!  You can see pictures of the area on our page-it is such a great place for Doodles to run about!

(("")) (("")) paws up

Hi there...

Well, we have finally got this playgroup set up - and I'm finally getting around to posting it here.  For those on Facebook, and if you're interested, search for Doodle Dayz and ask to join...I'll add you.  We have been getting together about every other Sunday, the holidays are kind of making the playdates sparse, but we're still doing it.  Some of us will throw out ideas of getting together between the, we'd love to have new members to come and play  :-)



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