Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm still a ways from having my doodle come home (it looks like it won't be until the 30th, arg!), so I've been spending a lot of time planning his routine when he comes home.  One question I have that I haven't been able to find a definitive answer to is whether people prefer using a crate or an ex pen (including wee wee pads or newspaper) when leaving a doodle home alone for long stretches of time.


I have a busy work schedule and am not going to be able to come home in the middle of the day.  I will be arranging for someone in my building to come once or twice a day to let Indy out, feed him, play with him, and do whatever cleaning is necessary.  What are peoples' recommendations as far as crate vs. ex pen for a puppy who will be left alone for 3-4 hours at a time?  Thanks!

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If someone is coming over a couple times a day to let him out, I see no reason to start him on pee pads which could ultimately make housebreaking more difficult.  I would opt for the crate if it was me. 

I agree with the previous posts. I picked Lexi up 3 weeks before my summer holidays and had to leave her at 8 weeks. I kept her in her crate and had people stop in to let her out once a day. She did great! It even made night time crating easier. The instructions I was given were to make sure she had just enough room to stand, turn around, and lie down. If there's too much room they can soil their crate in the far end. Also do not leave anything they can chew up. I've heard numerous stories of pups chewing pee pads in ex pens also, however I do realize sometimes this is an only option! When I did my research I contemplated both if these as well. Good luck!

We never used puppy pads but we do put her crate inside an expen so she still has her "safe place" but has more room and isnt' pent up all day. We've left Lady for 7hrs and had no accidents :) we don't do it on a regular but it's nice to know she can hold it and doesn't seem to be distressed when we get home.

Thanks for the advice, everyone! I think when the time comes I'll try the crate and only do the ex pen if he seems really unhappy.



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