Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Lynne of Fountain Falls Oct 22, 2012. 33 Replies 0 Favorites
Yesterday I was supposed to pick up my F1 English Goldendoodle puppy but things didn't work out that way. It was a 5 1/2 hr. trip to Mt. Juliet, TN. A friend of mine went with me. We stopped for…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Sharon & Monty Oct 12, 2012. 28 Replies 0 Favorites
Saturday I'm supposed to go pick out my "Goldendoodle" puppy from two males in the litter. Now I'm having doubts if I'm doing the right thing and have chosen well. Is this normal? I've never…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Patti Golden Sep 26, 2012. 62 Replies 0 Favorites
I know I'm just an expectant mom and my puppy is less than 3 weeks old but I have written two emails with no response from the breeder (I have sent her my deposit already). She was quick to respond…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Hannah Gray Jan 31, 2013. 7 Replies 0 Favorites
Does anyone have any experience with Beachside Doodles in Florida? Please answer on my page. Thanks. Continue
Patti Golden has not received any gifts yet
Posted on August 27, 2012 at 9:18am 15 Comments 2 Favorites
I just put a deposit down on an F1 English Goldendoodle, born Aug. 20th! I'm so excited - can't wait! IT'S A BOY!!!
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Hey...Looks like you puppy is growing up. He looks great, nice job mom!!! Bowie is growing, although not like yours. He is such a trip. So active and always on the move. Check out some of my photos when you have time. Glad all worked out so well. Best of luck, however it does not seem like any luck is needed!
Hi, Looks like things are working out well with the puppy. I am so glad. My Bowie is growing like a weed. He has doubled in size in the 5 weeks he has been here. He is giving Aureo a run for his money as I can tell the play is up a notch. As Bowie gets bigger and stronger, Aureo has to adjust for the added abilities Bowie seems to be mastering. I can onlky wonder what the play will be like when they are both full grown. Well anyway, glad to see your doing well with Boone!
Just wondering how you are getting on? We've had Boris home for one week now and all good here, he's nicely settled (though he sleeps on our bed) has had no potty training accidents and is a lovely mellow fellow. Boone looks so adorable, I'm looking forward to hearing all about him and swapping stories. I remember all the trials and tribulations you had until you finally found him!
Congratulations, Patti! I am so glad you found a great breeder and the perfect puppy! Boone is absolutely beautiful, and he looks like such a sweet boy. Congratulations!
I'm so glad you found a good breeder and a beautiful Doodle! He is just precious!
Did you get my second private message...?
Thanks for the comment and adding me as a friend! Your perfect baby is waiting for you somewhere!!!
I was thinking about your visit to the puppies yesterday and wondering how it went then noticed this photo. Hope you let us know what happened. Hoping even more you get just the right puppy for you. I know this has been hard!
Did you pick up your doodle?
Thanks for letting me know the items arrived. :-) Now all you need is a puppy - waiting is the hardest part - I hope the time goes by quickly. :-)
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