Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Sometimes Chester (9 week old) is going 4-6 times a day. It seems he has his favourite spot on the side of the road so anytime we are close he will go.
This morning we had just taken him out and my husband went back to bed. 30 minutes later Chester went again on the floor!
I am not sure if he just wanted to get our attention. We are having a few training seems we are on a routine and all is good then..we have a mishap.
He is gaining weight (3 LBs a week.) so I think he is getting nutrition I am just concerned about the frequency.
That sounds about normal for that age. I can't remember the formula - but the maximum "holding" time for a pup is 0.5 hour per week of age (or something like that), but more during the night.
When you take him out do you make sure he pees? Sometimes Luna used to go out just for the sake of going outside.. then she would come in and pee during play because she realized she had to go and couldn't make it to the door. We then started making sure she peed then saying "go pee" while she did it - now she knows that "go pee" means that she is supposed to do that ;)
It's possible that he has a bladder infection (very common in young puppies) if the frequency increases or you notice he can't seem to control it at all.
Thanks for the info- very helpful.. I was actually meaning how frequently should he poo? I was trying to think of a 'nice' way to say it.. It is 10:30 and since 6 he has gone 3 times.
We do need help with the peeing.. too .. I am going to try your suggestions..He doesn't lift his leg so we are always peering to see if he pees..he likes to play outside too.. I am considering those Poochie bells I read about here.. But we have 1 main door for him to I think the pee/play ringing might be confusing.
I think when Luna was that age it was 3-4 times a day. It depends on what you are feeding too - different grain content in the food will mean more/less poops. If they are still "good" stools (ie. firm and not runny or weird colours) then it's probably just a fast puppy metabolism thing :p
Bailey is 12wks and she goes 2-3 times a day..poop that is. When we first brought her home, we took her out every 30-60 min and every time she woke from her naps and when ever we had play sessions..
I am sure the neighbors think I am crazy but I have also been making it a big deal when she does go...telling her what a good girl she is and clapping my hands....Asked my DH if he wanted me to do the same for him and he just glared at me LOL
She is doing great and is now scratching or sitting by the back door to go outside...
we also make a big deal about it... love what you said to your
I guess I'm lucky because Hercules tells me when puppy Zeus needs to go potty.
Years ago (pre-Hercules), I had potty training issues with a puppy (now deceased), so I started gently touching his booty privates and saying "go potty". It might sound gross, but he instantly responded. I continued doing that for about a week and had no problems since. Have you tried this method with Chester?
Thanks for all the info.. I am not sure I am ready for the touching his privates to encourage pooping.. but one never knows.. Desperate times might call for desperate measures. He isn't having any constipation issues (yet) .. I was worried he was going too frequently..He seems to go a little less frequently now..4 ish times.. depending on diet.
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