Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone. I thought we were doing so well housetraining and now Otto seems to have started to pee in his crate. He's 8 weeks old, we've had him a week, and he was doing so well. Now he's peed twice in his crate (once after being outside, and once overnight). How do I get him back on track with the housetraining?

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Just wondering - is the crate too big? If he has room to pee in one end, and sleep at the other, he will. That's my only thought. Hopefully others have some constructive answers for you.
His crate really isn't too big. He has about 1/3 of the space in a medium sized crate. Maybe he just couldn't hold it all night? He did chomp on some ice outside at about 10:30 pm last night.

The first time he peed in his crate was after a walk and I was trying to put him into his crate. For some reason he doesn't like to pee out on the sidewalk when we're walking, so I've been taking him out in the backyard after his walk, and he usually pees right away. Well, my son took him out for a walk on the sidewalk, and then didn't take him into the backyard (as I usually do).

Let's hope these were just isolated incidents.

I just put Fozzy Bear in a crate that is about 22"x14' and he is 10 weeks old. I had him in a smaller one that was a soft-sided carrier. My sister used it for her dachsund. Then I put him in a biggger one that I had partitioned, and it was too big. He peed in that too. I also cut off water about 2 hours before bed. NOTHING after that or I am up 3-4 times a night. If he didn't cry to be let out, I would guess the crate is too big. They only need enough room to turn around. At 8 weeks, that isn't very big.
You might check with the vet to make sure he doesn't have a urinary infection. Louie had one when he was pretty young.
Thanks for the advice. If it continues I'll do that. So far so good today. I have to go out soon and leave him in his crate for an hour or two so we'll see what happens then.
We have had Piper home now for a month, she is 14wks and the last two nights she has pood in her crate and she can hardley turn around in it. Up till now she had been great. i take her out at 10 or so and get up at least once a night and still the accidents!! We are up for the day by 5:30 eairler if she yipps She has no food after 5pm and no water after 7pm
What now??
I am sorry that Piper is doing that. I am so new to this "dog" thing that I don't really have any suggestions for you. Otto pooped in his crate the first night he was here, but that's probably because I couldn't get him to poop before we put him in the crate for the night. The poor thing was a little stressed out.

I would start keeping track of ALL her poops...what time are they happening? She should soon start to poop on a schedule if her meals are on schedule. Sometimes if a dog HAS To go...he/she will go even in the there was some urgency there. Is she pooping when you take her out in the middle of the night and at 10pm? She might need a quick jog around the yard to get her bowels moving.
I would think that this is just an isolated incident. eight weeks is awfully young and I would expect some accidents to happen. It's possible he was distracted when he was outside and didn't really pee enough and empty his bladder. Maybe he was excited another time.. I wouldn't think anything of it unless it continued.
Thanks Adina. I, too, think it might have been an isolated incident, since it hasn't happened since. He's gone a few more nights with no accidents. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.




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