Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This has been going on for a week now. 

She drank water fine for the 1st 2 weeks we had her.  From 2 different bowls ( neither are metal)

They are both Ceramic.

Then she stopped drinking water from them.


She will eat her food happily from one of the bowls.  She will not drink water from it.


I have tried 6 different bowls since this started...Even larger ones as google suggested.


I have dropped pieces of kibble into the water & she will fish them out & drink some water while doing so.


She will aslo drink water from my Hand ( this I did not do until she stopped drinking) 

She will drink it from my hand if it is in the water bowl also.


Anything Else you can think of that I can try to get her used to the bowl again?




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Gavin tends to favour a bowl we keep in the bathroom that is smaller around the top and deeper.  He barely touches his water bowl that matches his food bowl.  He will eat his food and ignore the water right beside it and instead make the walk to the bathroom where he has a drink.  So weird.  Floating ice cubes in the water bowl is a trick I have used.
I have no idea, We have a metal and a ceramic water bowl next to each other, and the dogs never drink from the ceramic bowl even when it is very hot out (the reason I bought the ceramic one in the first place).

Thanks for your replies.

I dont have a Metal dish.  But that is a good idea to try one. (everything I read about not drinking water said dont use a metal bowl)  So I was only using ceramic bowls.

My Daughter has one...I will get it from her when she gets home from work today & give it a try.

Sure hope Trixie likes it.

I'm just curious, why were was the use of stainless steel bowls discouraged?  I have always felt that they were the most inert and therefore the best bowls to use, but there's always something new to learn.
It wasnt really discouraged to use a metal bowl. Just suggested that that is why puppies might not drink water...if they see a reflection in the bowl.

Hmmm... I had this issue with Tori, but it was because it was metal.  I don't think she like the shine, but then I went back to the plastic and she does fine now.  Have you tried (for now) having her play with ice just so she gets hydrated.  Tori loves to catch a tossed up ice cube or chase it across the floor and then eat it. she also likes chopped ice.

I'll be watching to see what reasons everyone may suggest!

I have tried Ice Cubes a few times & she wasnt interested.

I do think I am getting her to drink water pretty good from my hand, Also by dropping food in her water dish & I am putting about 1/2 cup of water on her food 3 times a day ...Just to help with water too.

Have you tried the fountain bowls? We just ordered one for Sophie.
Maybe she like to lap it from something... maybe she's just a 'lady' and doesn't want to put her full mouth in the bowl (really - what 'lady' would - lol)... what about those bowls that have a roller in it?  It's made for puppies or dogs who like to  tip their water bowls.  (I'll see if I can include a picture)  They also have some that pour water out like from a hose... at least she's getting water from her food.  I'm assuming you started doing that AFTER she wouldn't drink... otherwise I would have said she's not drinking b/c she doesn't need any more water if she's getting all that in her food....
Hmmmm, interesting. Not sure what to suggest, although Mandy had a good idea with trying a fountain bowl. Lucy has a different, but similar problem with not wanting to drink out of communal bowls at indoor and outdoor dog parks. We have to either bring her Gulpy or a collapsible bowl from home. If we forget it in the car she will eventually beg us for 'her' water. Its kind of frustrating in that I'm afraid to leave her at doggy daycares and the like.
Drinkwell 360 Pet Fountain
Here's the fountain... still looking for the roller - from Dr. fosters & smith catalog

I will have to look into the fountain type bowls.  Thanks for the picture.


I tried the metal dish for 2 days.  When she 1st saw it It looked like she was going to drink out of it.  She Put her head in there but  no drinks.


Yesterday though I filled a plastic bowl with water from the Fridge Door.

She drank it!!  That was in the middle of the day.

She did not drink any 'Fridge' water the rest of the day.

Just water from my hand.

I will offer her more fridge water today & hope that she will drink it again.



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