This is going to sound sacrilegious, but I recently discovered that a regular "long-hair, hard slicker brush" for 12.99 works really well on Porter's 1 inch-long hair. The Les Pooches is still great for limbs and small areas, but for the rest of this 70 lbs guy, this fat, cheap brush is great and seems to be more comfortable for him.
That is great - thanks Melissa! It looks like Porter has thick curly hair - wow, that can be a project - so you should be an expert. I'm getting one - what's one more "tool"? I end up using a variety of them when grooming our boy and the more the merrier as they each seem good for one spot or another! It's a good thing he loves to be groomed! He jumps right up on the patio table when he sees the tool box come out! Maybe I'll get a video of that someday - it's exciting to see him so excited!
Yes, get that on video, please, and I'll show it to Porter :-) Maybe peer pressure will change his mind about grooming.
His hair is cotton-y soft and curly. He has one patch of solid black wirey hair on his tail.
Ah, ha! I got one of these yesterday and it appears to work great! Much easier than my LePooches and I like the self cleaning feature a lot - how many times I've stabbed myself with those needle sharp teeth!
Thank you Melissa!
I still need to get a video of Toby getting up on the table! Soon maybe!
Very useful trick for people with long hair to use on their brushes too. My vacuum cleaner spinning brush though...needs a scissors cut about once a month to free the hair.
You're welcome! I am glad it is working for you too. Porter is due for a brushing actually...maybe today. As soon as I pull out the grooming supplies Porter trots off to the couch to tuck his butt and tail under himself as much as possible.
Bwah ha ha I come!