Finally, I found canned pumpkin in the grocery store today, Been looking every time I shop for months. I stocked up but it looked like a lot of others did too as I had to dig really deep for the small cans. I hope there is never another shortage again, but I will stay stocked from now on.
I ran into the same shortage. I wanted a can on hand prior to Rua arriving on 9/24. I searched 2 grocery stores...finally found a can of organic canned pumpkin at Whole Foods 2.75 a can. I am glad I had it. I needed it on Tuesday. I read about putting the rest in ice cube trays to freeze. Apparently I threw out all my ice cube trays (don't need them with automatic ice makers any more). So, I had some SUPER small little plastic containers I put the rest in (I think about 6)! I am set for a while, but I will pick up a few for reserves!
Thank goodness. I found some last week and stocked up. I had one can left when Somer came and although I needed it, she wouldn't eat it! That's a first.
Still having a hard time finding it at "regular" grocery stores, but it is at Whole Foods and Trader Joes. Callie and Harvey FD both LOVE the pumpkin their food!