Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

On a scale of *1 to 5 DOODLES* how was the movie/documentary? 

If it put you to sleep, you can give it *5 SHEEP* - ha! 


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I LOVED this movie.
I recently rented The Black Swan, which I had been very eager to see. The acting and production were superb, but it was so dark and disturbing to me that it bothered me for days. Certain images were almost like a horror film.  I did not at all enjoy it, and cannot recommend it, although I know I am in the minority.
A friend of mine told me the same thing. I'm curious about it so I might catch it on Stars On Demand (free), but I usually avoid things that are "disturbing."
I haven't seen it yet for just the reasons you mentioned. Oftentimes I think I'm just not up for certain movies at certain times. But then I go to see Incendies.
Loved the Black Swain - also left me distrubed for days. Natalie Portman was deserving of the winning the oscar for her performance.
I totally agree Dana!
I saw Bridesmaids three times and the last time with my 85 year old mother. I usually wait for everything to come to DVD, but paid all three times for this one. 5 Doodles, for sure!!
And I thought your mother was a lady, notice I didn't mention you : ) I'm getting back for the PBS definition!
LOL....I take it all back :)
I saw a very interesting but draining movie, again in the theater, recently. My friends actually convinced me to schlep to the city since it had a limited release. It will soon be on DVD, I think. The movie is Incendies. A mother in Canada leaves letters with her will asking her children to find their father and a brother they never knew of. It takes them into a brutal history of civil war in the middle east. The movie is in French and Arabic and not for the faint of heart. But I was intrigued by it and still ponder the mother's decision writing the letters. I would love to hear opinions on this. As one review said:"This essential, intelligent film is as gruelling, harrowing and surprising as they come." I give it 4 doodles but I would never let my doodles watch it : )

Apologies for posting here--the DVD "Rivers and Tides" is about 3-4 years old.  It's a documentary about the artist Andy Goldsworthy,  about how and why he creates his art.  Maybe something with leaves or ice, things in nature that often disappear right after they're made or even before they're finished.  Other art is more long-lasting, great curving rock walls, for example. 

I'm an action flick or comedy kind of person, so this DVD is a real departure for me.  But I swear it is riveting!  Who knew?  Beautifully filmed, fascinating glimpse into the creative process of this artist.  I guess I still don't understand why somebody would spend immense amounts of time, energy and creativity making something that just disappears, but this DVD gets me about as close as I'll come to understanding.  It's about art and time, and beauty, and a unique human vision.  Oh, five doodles!!!!  I think you can see some or maybe all of it by googling "Rivers and Tides."    

Maybe we need Linda to change her title or start a new discussion : )



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