Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jenny and Cooper
  • Male
  • Chino Hills, CA
  • United States
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Jenny and Cooper's Friends

  • Dee & Chappie
  • Janet & Jaxson
  • Nala and Cooper
  • SoSa
  • Lori, Winnie, Bob and Indie
  • Helga, Nimbus, Sierra, Clooney
  • Jolene, Sassparilla & Josie
  • Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa
  • Tanya and IsaBella
  • Debbie and Toby

Jenny and Cooper's Discussions

Pooping in the Snow :P

Started this discussion. Last reply by Melissa Apr 21, 2017. 22 Replies

Hi everyone (especially in the east coast) lol.  We're thinking of going to Mammoth during my boys' spring break from school and taking Cooper along with us.  I'm worried about his potty issue.  He…Continue


Started this discussion. Last reply by Jenny and Cooper Dec 8, 2016. 23 Replies

Hi everyone, I know this topic has been discussed before. I'm aware it could be ear infection. Cooper doesn't show any signs of ear irritation, no scratching of the ear or shaking his head. We tried…Continue

Orijen Winter Photo Contest

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jenny and Cooper Dec 3, 2016. 4 Replies know many of you take beautiful pictures of your doodles with winter scenery. Though I'd…Continue

Dusty Rhodes Dog Park

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Jul 31, 2016. 3 Replies

Hi everyone!We're heading to San Diego tomorrow and was planning on dropping by a dog park in Oceanside. Has anyone here gone to the Dusty Rhodes Dog park? Anyone live close to there to meet us for a…Continue

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Jenny and Cooper's Page

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
F1 goldendoodle - Cooper
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Less shedding
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Play in the backyard
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Favorite Doodle Products?
Squirrel log
Relationship Status:

Jenny and Cooper's Photos

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Comment Wall (19 comments)

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At 8:46am on July 7, 2016, Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa said…

Well, we would welcome a visit anytime! I was sad that I couldn't go to the romp in Walla Walla but that was just TOO far for both me and my pups. 

Im sorry, I got you confused with Jennifer & Kai. She wrote a Doodle book...Lol

At 4:23am on July 7, 2016, Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa said…
Oh Jenny, thank you for the kind words! Elizabeth (Bailey &Bruin) and I are far from We do it for the love of Doodles! Annie is our second rescue. The first one (Charlie) took us 4 months to catch. They are both well worth the effort! Very sweet dogs that were both in survival mode but once caught became wonderful regular dogs.
You and Cooper are welcome to come play anytime! Pippa loves to play with everyone! We live in Jacksonville Fl and have been lucky enough to meet a few other DK members because they come to visit FL.
I would love to reAd your book! I will check Amazon for it. I have given some thought to writing a book myself but just not sure I could do it.
At 11:53am on July 6, 2016, Lori, Daphne, Lucy & Pippa said…

Jenny, Annie is a rescue Doodle that Elizabeth and I trapped. She was living in a small town just running around the streets. You can see more pictures and info if you want to on Facebook at "Saving Doodles"

At 9:14am on December 7, 2015, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Keep me posted when you start 'playing' with this stuff!

At 10:07pm on December 5, 2015, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

 Thanks. I have fun with Blingee.  I do two things with the Blingee pictures.  After I save it (you have to put a title to save it),  it goes to the next step where it asks what you want to do, choose Other.  Then it takes you to where you can save the code for html.  I do this and can post it lots of places that have HTML.  I also drag the largest of the 3 pictures to my desktop or my iphoto. I have a Mac so dragging things is easier than on PCs but I think you could right click and copy and paste.  Let me know if this works - or if it doesn't  - and I will do one step by step rather than from memory.  

You can play around a lot with your page. You will NOT lose your pictures or your profile information.

First go to to Customize My Page - you can choose from many themes.  Then click on the second section (all Options)  and see which choices give you and option of Transparent. This differs in the different themes you can choose. This is also where you can change text colors, background colors etc.   If you want a fancier background go to Glitter Graffics:     Click on backgrounds, then scroll down and click on backgrounds and type in the theme you are looking for.  When you see one you like, click on it. There usually a choice of copying an html code.  Copy, then go to your page, click on customize my page, choose the third option (advanced) paste there.  Save.  You will most likely need to go to customize my page again - second section (All Options) adjust the

At 5:37pm on November 5, 2015, Joani, Skadi & Elli said…

Thanks for your sweet comments on my girls photos.  Like all the other crazy doodle lovers, I love taking pictures of them.  Did cooper get in the calendar.  He is just a bundle of sweet doodle!  Take more pictures and put them on your page.  I love looking at him...he is gorgeous.

At 9:59pm on July 17, 2015, Jolene, Sassparilla & Josie said…
My daughter is 23 and loves pets and children. We usually plan all of our vacations around the dogs. When we do leave them my mom has watched them but she's 91 now so I'm not sure what we'll do next year? I'm a consultant for a scrapbooking company and next year's convention is in Florida so I'm hoping to have one week to enjoy some snorkeling, kayaking, swimming, and visiting the state parks. If you get away from the touristy areas Florida is beautiful.
At 1:49pm on July 17, 2015, Jolene, Sassparilla & Josie said…

Great news, I was hoping it would work out but if not I didn't want your vacation to be stressful.  He is such a cutie he'll get lots of attention from the humans and other pups alike.  My daughter was hoping we'd get him so she could love on him the whole time!  Enjoy your trip and don't worry too much, I know easier said than done!  I was at a convention last week in Anaheim for three days and missed my girls to pieces.  We are planning a long two week vacation next summer!  I'll be a wreak. lol  Have fun, and hope to see you soon.

At 9:17pm on July 13, 2015, Jolene, Sassparilla & Josie said…
I wanted to let you know if you find yourself in a real bind and desperate for a puppy caretaker we might be able to help you out? Keep me posted on when. I'm grounded due to my foot and my daughter is home full time except for half day on Wednesday's. If you wanted to call me about it, my number is 562-577-5425. The downside since I'm not driving you'd have to come to us?
At 9:38pm on June 28, 2015, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

It was great meeting you today.  I didn't see your post until now.  I am putting the photos I took on Picasa and will post a link on the Southern Caliornia Group page.  I got a nice one of your family and several of Cooper.  He is absolutely adorable!



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