Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Female
  • Livonia, MI
  • United States
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Gina's Friends

  • Ruth & Theo & Rudy
  • Suzann, Rosey & Bandit
  • William
  • Linda and "Toby"
  • Sarah
  • Kemp Rader
  • Tom Higgins
  • Zoe, Benny and Tyler
  • Sharon, Boo & Cricket
  • Nancie & Gracie Doodle

Gifts Received (1)

Pink Ribbon From Jenny@Labradoodle Dreams

Gina's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I'm 40-somethingish. DH & I met while we were both in the USAF in the 1990's. We got married & both eventually left the military & returned to MI, which is where I am from (DH is a CA boy). Now we run a small pre-cast concrete business together (owned by my Dadoo who is semi-retired). My Mom has lived with us since 2007 & Bailey joined our family in June 2008.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Bailey is a small standard Australian Labradoodle from RM, born 31 Mar 08. He's caramel colored with a super-soft wavy, fleece coat.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
DH has allergies. He never really cared much for the other "hypo-allergenic" breeds. I saw a show on National Geographic that had a segment about the Australian Labradoodle. Did some research & really liked the qualities of the breed & the looks. We're hoping to certify him as a therapy dog, when & if he ever mellows out!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Bailey just loooooooves balls so we play lots of fetch with him. He especially likes the ones with squeakers in them - he'll fetch the ball, lay down & squeak it for a few minutes, then bring it back to us to throw again. He also looooooooves romping in the snow. We also like to play hide & seek with him. We might try agility or flyball this summer.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Us & Peppermint Pet. We brush/comb him regularly, trim around his face, trim his nails, & bathe him if necessary. He has been professionally groomed several times now & we're very happy with the place - they do a good job with him. Have to keep him shorter than I'd like in the summer as the heat really bothers him.
Favorite Doodle Products?
Les Pooch brush, Chris Christensen shears/brushes/Ice on Ice spray, Buddy Boo Boo cream, Cowboy Magic, Chuck It, Free Range chews, Sam's Yams, Happy Hips, MuttLuks, Fido Fleece, Buster Cube, Easy Walk harness, JW Pet Ruffians toys, squeaky balls.
Relationship Status:

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Comment Wall (18 comments)

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At 9:54am on January 7, 2010, Nancy Schwenkner said…
Thanks! I'll look for them. Have a great day! -Nancy and Snickers
At 4:42pm on June 28, 2009, Sarah said…
Hi Gina!

Thanks for the comment, we can not wait to get Rocco, i hope he is half as beautiful as Bailey! He is my all time favourite doodle.
At 2:57am on April 9, 2009, Sharon, Boo & Cricket said…
Hahaha! Oh yes, Boo definitely wants to return Cricket sometimes! Refund or not! ;)

I know what you mean about the allergies. My mother has allergies too, and we didn’t want to take any chances with our first doodle, so we went with an Australian Labradoodle (Boo). Once we knew she was okay with Boo, then we felt comfortable getting a half Australian/half American labradoodle (Cricket). I’m glad your husband's allergies are fine too! Doodles are great, aren’t they! :)
At 1:10am on April 8, 2009, Sharon, Boo & Cricket said…
Hi! Sorry to hear that the cable broke! I’ll make a note on my instructions about that. I’m glad Bailey liked it though! We got Boo from a breeder near Grand Rapids, called Great Lakes Labradoodles. Where did you get Bailey from? He’s beautiful! I love those photos of him asleep on the couch with a blanket. Boo is the same way, he loves being warm and cozy. :)
At 6:48pm on April 6, 2009, Sharon, Boo & Cricket said…
Thanks for the add, Gina! I hear you made Cricket's toy trolley! Did Bailey like it? I hope so! :)
At 9:56pm on March 11, 2009, Janie said…
You are welcome and thank you!
At 2:23pm on March 5, 2009, Tamara & Giada said…
Hi Gina, welcome! I am from MI too! We live near Lansing. There is soon to be a romp her in MI, so maybe we can meet:) Bailey is so cute!!
At 7:50am on March 3, 2009, Karen & Lucy said…
Good morning Gina, That is funny, when I first got Lucy I did the clicker thing, but she was sooooo clever and smart, she would do things for me just because and then would keep doing it when I would ask her. I stopped clicking, lazy I think. she has gone to obediance school and goes monthly now and is doing great. I treat her, but she doesn't requie it all the time.
At 6:47pm on March 1, 2009, Karen & Lucy said…
Hi Gina, thanks for your comments on my Lucy. I love your Bailey too. How long did it take him to learn to sit up? Lucy has never done that, but recently she has tried. It just seems odd to see a big dog like that trying to sit up LOL LOL LOL Nice to have you here on DK, hope you stick around. It does become addicting. Enjoy
At 4:48pm on March 1, 2009, Janie said…

to DoodleKisses!


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