Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hans Huebner
  • Male
  • Miami, FL
  • United States
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  • Dawn Huebner

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What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Savannah is a 11 month old Golden Doodle..and we could't be happier with her. We found her at a Rescue facility in Ohio and I flew up to pick her up. She has changed our life
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Does your doodle(s) shed?
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Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 6:54am on February 19, 2010, Wendy Gunkel said…
We now have a South Florida Meetup page on Doodle Kisses
At 4:59pm on February 8, 2009, Elaine said…
Hi Hans. I hope you enjoyed the pictures of our goldendoodle puppies Charlene sent last month. Savannah looks just like Lacy, the mom. We just wanted you to know that we have deposits on 3 puppies and wondered if you are interested in having one of our doodles join your family. Our doodles will be available mid-March to go to their new homes. The doodles are now exploring the outside in the warm weather and they love playing with each other and their mom. They are absolutely loving and beautiful. We love them dearly.
Please let me know what you decide.
Thank you,
At 8:43pm on January 31, 2009, Adrianne Matzkin said…
Samantha, DH and I are spending the month in MB, I need info re: the boardwalk that goes from Fontainebleau to South Beach. Are leashed dogs allowed to walk on the boardwalk? We took a walk the other night and an officer on a bike escorted us off stating that she wasn't allowed - "People were afraid". I am not sure if someone called him but we had only walked about 100 yards when he stopped us. Do you know the law about this?
Thanks so much!!
Adrianne and 'Samantha'
We go to Pine Tree Park - if you have the time to me let me know.
At 6:04am on January 31, 2009, Marianne *OZZY & ZOEY said…
At 4:43pm on January 26, 2009, Ginny Nightingale said…
Wish could help--I too want a second doodle, but not as big as Lucy will be--she might hit 85 pounds! The owner decided to hang in there and keep her--so there were quite a few disappoined people who hoped to adopt her. Sorry and i hope you find another doodle soon!
At 5:41pm on January 25, 2009, Karen & Lucy said…

Glitter Graphics -
At 6:50am on January 24, 2009, Carole (*Koda*Monty*Bindi) said…
Welcome! Savannah is adorable! Looking forward to seeing more photos. She reminds me of our Gaston. He LOVES to be held like that too! LOL
At 8:23pm on January 22, 2009, Adrianne Matzkin said…
Check out the Florida Group. There is a Doodle Romp in Plantation this Sunday. The group has the info and you can also find it on the main page on the right side. They are lots of fun!
At 8:21pm on January 22, 2009, Adrianne Matzkin said…
At 4:39pm on January 22, 2009, Janie said…


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