Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

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  • Marathon, FL
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Mallory's Discussions

Doodle Pest Season

Started this discussion. Last reply by jane mccraw Apr 16, 2009. 10 Replies

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Ramen Noodle the Golden Doodle

Profile Information

About Me:
I am 26, I graduated from the University of South Florida with my Bachelor's Degree in Communication. I have recently bought my own company. Ramen Noodle the Goldendoodle is one of nine, she is almost 3 years old and my favorite obsession in the world! We have just adopted Jacob Doodle, an almost 2 year old Goldendoodle. We live in Jacksonville, FL.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
RAMEN NOODLE THE GOLDEN Doodle. Was born July 15, 2008 to Brigit, in a litter of 9. 3 girls-6boys, 4 cream-5 black. We are unsure as to who the father was, but we do know that these are perfect doodles. There was a puppy-mill bust in my hometown of Marathon, FL in late June. The people were breeding Golden doodles and fled town when they realized that they were going to get caught, abandoning 30+ dogs. My mom's best friend adopted Brigit, the then pregnant standard black/silver poodle.
I was on the phone for a large majority of the birthing process and made the 6 hour drive three times to see her before I was able to bring her home at 9.5 weeks.
She is the light and joy in my life!

JACOB Doodle. Was born in July - August, 2009. Jacob is originally from Indiana. His original owners got him in the fall of 2009. He somehow ended up in Virginia at a rest stop. He was microchipped and they were able to locate the owners through that. The original owners said that they really didn't want him anymore and the person that found him could keep him. They offered to send all of his vet records and even a puppy picture. The man that found him in Virginia had a friend he knew that had two toy poodles, but was looking for a larger poodle breed. He came to us from a man in Savanaha, GA that only had him for 3 months.The two toy poodles did not like Jacob's goofy puppy playfulness and attacked him causing a neck wound that had to be surgically opened up and drained several days later. The man then knew he could not keep Jacob and started looking for a new home for him. Jacob came to us with double ear infections, flea infested, with a neck wound that hadn't healed properly and a coat so matted he had to be shaved. He is such a sweet boy and we really can't figure out why people wouldn't want him. He has his behavioral problems, but we are working through them and he is such a part of our family after only 3 weeks.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Rescue, Rehome
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We were looking into the Boxer Rescue when my Mom called and told me about the doodles. Originally she told me it was a labor-doodle puppy mill bust. I told her, screw the Boxer Rescue, that was my hometown and I wanted to help and I would take and adolescent dog to rescue. Then I did a little research on what labor-doodles looked like and oohhhed and aaahhhed. Then I found the articles from the local paper and realized they were golden-doodles. No offense to labor-doodles, but I fell even more in love.
Then my mom told me that the adolescent and adult and puppies that were going quick, but not to worry because she had just been named mid-wife and assistant and aunt to Brigit.

After having Ramen for over two years we know we love her personality so much and we get so many questions and compliments on her. I really wanted another one. We had been searching rescue websites and craigslist looking for another doodle and after three week of searching we found Jacob!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Ramen's best friend is Mackenzie, a German Shepard/Lab mix that used to live downstairs from us. They are the same exact age and love to roughhouse. Mackenzie has a little brother Logan and we love when they come to Jacksonville to visit us.
We love going to Dog Woods dog park in Jacksonville and are exploring the dog beaches in Jacksonville.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
We groom her, it is a process, but we are all learning together. Her shedding has by far lessened since we have kept her hair shorter!!!
Favorite Doodle Products?
Anything that lasts longer than an hour. She gets a new toy and it is destroyed, guts on the floor, within minutes. I can't seem to kept toys stocked for her.
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

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Mallory's Blog

Home Sweet Home

Posted on April 13, 2009 at 12:21pm 3 Comments

What a great weekend getaway.

I only ever wished that the fun lasted longer and the drive much shorter!

We made the 7 hour trek to the Fabulous Florida Keys this weekend to visit the family for Easter.

Ramen was able to reunite with her family again. How wonderful that some of the siblings are able to meet up so often and play!

She is by far smaller than the boys! I completely overestimated how big she would grow to be. At 9 months old Ramen is around 50 pounds, at least she… Continue

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At 6:11pm on September 25, 2012, Adriana Dinis said…

If you're still in the Tampa Bay Area check out our Facebook group "Doodles Romp on Pinellas"

At 5:13am on September 28, 2011, Ann Kendig said…
Happy Belated Birthday, I hope you had a great day!
At 4:20pm on September 26, 2011, Kemp Rader said…
We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman
At 8:04am on February 14, 2010, Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey said…

At 6:48am on January 1, 2010, Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey said…
Happy New Year!

May the year bring health, happiness and prosperity!
At 7:42am on September 26, 2009, Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey said…

At 6:16am on September 26, 2009, Deanna Marsh said…
Happy Birthday!
At 6:00am on September 26, 2009, HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08 said…
At 10:17pm on September 25, 2009, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

At 5:42pm on September 25, 2009, Kemp Rader said…
We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman


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