Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Rochelle Woods
  • Female
  • Creswell, OR
  • United States
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Rochelle Woods's Friends

  • Heather Green
  • Doodle Dad
  • Julie & Gracie May
  • Carrie Dahl
  • Nicole H.
  • Debbie
  • Wren Owens
  • Steve Green
  • Wendy and Eddie
  • Engel Family
  • Terri Goodwin
  • Karyn Thompson
  • shari goldman
  • Lola Wimmer
  • Tracey Willnerd

Spring Creek Labradoodles

Profile Information

About Me:
I have been breeding Labradoodles & Goldendoodles since 2001. With the help of my wonderful family, I breed and raise puppies for therapy and guide dog purposes as well as family companions.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have Australian Labradoodles and previously bred F1 and F1B Goldendoodles. To view my website please visit
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

Comment Wall (20 comments)

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At 8:25pm on January 04, 2011, Carol gave Rochelle Woods a gift
At 6:26pm on October 18, 2009, Wendy and Eddie gave Rochelle Woods a gift
Happy Fall!
At 7:30am on February 8, 2009, Anne said…
Hi Rochelle, I hope everything goes well with Virtue's litter! I've been checking your website to see when Odie's step brothers and sisters arrive, I know the time is near. We sure do love our Odie -- he's finishing up the last of his Agility classes today. He loves it and has done really well. He's so smart and well - agile! He's really been a star of his class. Best wishes to all at Spring Creek!
At 12:20pm on December 29, 2008, Terri Goodwin said…
Hi Rochelle, It's great to see you joined. How was your Holiday? I can't see where Jenny has joined yet. Terri
At 8:19am on December 15, 2008, Wendy and Eddie said…
Hi Rochelle,

Just wanted you to know that Eddie and Elmo are always the cutest labradoodles at the dog park! :-) Your careful, responsible breeding policies really show!!
At 5:03am on December 4, 2008, Lake Girl, Lizette said…
Rochelle could you give me Sunny's full name and the breeder that he came from? A few of my friends have asked me on the site the full name of the dad...I would love to know a little more about him. Thanks a lot!!! I have to take more pics of Molly...she is really growing...what a personality. Loves everyone!!!!! She is not afraid of anything, loves to ride in the car, and take walks with us.
At 2:19pm on December 1, 2008, Susan, Zeke. Lily & Jasper said…
Wonderful news about James Brown!!!
At 3:28am on December 1, 2008, Nancy & Bisbee said…
Love your responsible philosophy! We're tickled James will have a family to love him and future families will be able to experience the awesome James Brown. Yea! :o)
At 12:52pm on November 30, 2008, Susan, Zeke. Lily & Jasper said…
Hi Rochelle, Zeke is another of James & Ella's litter at Trinity Doodles. It sounds like Zeke has inherited many of his dad's wonderful traits. We are so thankful for TOP NOTCH breeders like you and Dianne who are determined to develop this awesome breed of dogs. Thank you for sharing James so that so much love and joy could touch so many people. It's so good to know you will place James with a family who will love him forever.
At 3:35am on November 30, 2008, Nancy & Bisbee said…
Give that James Brown a big kiss and wish him well from one of his latest litter pups (Ella Fitzgerald/James Brown/Trinity Doodles). We can't express how grateful we are this union happened! Our Bisbee is just a love and SMART, well you know. It is sad though, there will be no more JB pups for others to enjoy. We send our love and good wishes for a long, loving happy forever home for James Brown. We just wanted to thank you personally.


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