Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Trina M. Shea
  • Female
  • Memphis, TN
  • United States
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  • erica taylor
  • Coach Veazey, Roberta, and Coach
  • Carol and Banjo
  • Linda Harrington
  • Lona and Bogart
  • Sharon Bahrman
  • Lynn & Beau Davis
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  • Linda Thompson
  • Jackie Lanza
  • Kendra K. Rhoton
  • Jane, Guinness and Murphy
  • Leigh & Allie
  • sophie
  • HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08

Trina M. Shea's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I am married to an ENT doctor and we have 2 grown children (Erin - 34 and Neil Shea - 32). Since neither of my children seem to be heading toward marriage or grandchildren, I have now found my own grandchild - Swayze, our goldendoodle.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have one 3 year old goldendoodle named Swayze (after my daddy). He is 33lbs. His father was a mini poodle. I bought him from a breeder outside Lexington, Ky. He is the alpha dog in our house and most of our world revolves around him - not the other way around.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Because of their personalities, and the fact that I could get a med. size one and that he would not shed.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Snuggle and he loves to visit our daughter and her dogs in Nashville. He also loves to swim.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Brown Dog Lodge -
Relationship Status:

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At 1:41pm on March 4, 2010, HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08 said…
Han&Hon St. Patty's Day

At 3:53pm on March 3, 2010, Teresa said…
Hi Trina. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I haven't been on the site as often as I used to. But absolutely feel free to reach out to me. If you want to do so privately, let me know and I'm happy to give you my home email address.
At 5:36am on March 1, 2010, Jane, Guinness and Murphy said…
Hi Trina-
Thanks for complimenting my page...I am Irish and I really have a good time decorating the page for each holiday. The picture of the deer was just something a friend sent to me because it was a Doodle in the picture. Yes, the dear came right up to them and wasn't at all afraid. Amazing! I'm sorry you're having feeding problems....believe me I know what that's like. We seem to have solved all his problems with the home cooking, and I am so grateful. It was a long few months until we got to this solution. I am attaching the plan I gave to my doctor. I hope this helps and please keep posting your questions on the Food Group. Good Luck, and get back to me if there's anything that is confusing. Guinness Home CookingPDF.pdf
At 6:08am on February 28, 2010, Denise, Winnie, and AngelAbby said…
Hi Trina... I get the sodium free chicken bouillon at my local grocery store... it's in a green box - made by Herb ox (which is a Hormel product) - it has 8 packets in it. I find it by the other bouillons and soup stocks. It's gluten Free and no MSG either. Let me know if you find it...
Have a great day!
At 7:30pm on January 15, 2010, Linda,Yankee & Finn said…
Hi Trina, got your card this week and was happy to see another xmas card for my wall. Your dood is adorable. To answer your question, Yankee and Finn are both goldendoodles.
At 12:45pm on January 12, 2010, Ann Kendig said…
Hi Trina, We received you card today! Swayze looks great in the picture, (love his expression) he's so handsome. Thanks for the compliment on Sheba & Duke! We really enjoyed your card and the cancelled stamp was a hoot! Swayze is only 33 lbs? I know the fur makes him look bigger but he looks so tall in your pictures too. Do you know his height? Have a good day!
At 7:37am on January 12, 2010, Kathy Spyker said…
Hi again!! The group is called "DK Cookbook" check it out, it has alot of ideas..
At 7:30am on January 12, 2010, Kathy Spyker said…
Hi Trina, The cake I made for Lilly had carrots, flour, applesauce,peanutbutter and i forget whatelse. They have a group on DK maybe the" food group" They have alot of recipies for dog cookies, cakes,treats.etc; If I find the group I'll let you know..Have a great day!!!
At 6:28am on January 12, 2010, Rose said…
That's o.k., like you said, Better late than never! LOL! Thanks!
At 5:39pm on January 11, 2010, Kathy (Ellie & Oliver) said…
Trina and Swayse, we got your holiday card today! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
That Swayse is quite "The Looker"! He is so cute! It was a nice surprise to open up the mailbox and there was another holiday doodle card. It made my day and put a smile on my face:0) Happy New Year!!!!!!!


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