Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Heidi & Milton's Blog (218)

Mud Bath

On Tuesday my buddy, Danielle, and I took good 'ole Milt Dog to the local dog park.  As of late, we have been forgoing the "dry" land area to splash around in the lake and paddle after tennis balls.  This time, following our swim, we thought we would take a foray back onto firm soil in an attempt to dry off by scampering after more tennis balls.

Silly me threw a ball in the direction of this massive puddle, and wouldn't…


Added by Heidi & Milton on June 20, 2013 at 6:06am — 5 Comments

The F-Word: Fun!

In just a few hours, I will be en route to the airport!  Am I flying to another tropical, luscious destination?  Sadly no, but that is just fine with me because I am picking up precious passengers instead!  Two of my dearest friends, whom I studied abroad  with in Italy, are arriving today for a five-night stay.  It is hard to believe that it has been six years since I, a college senior, traipsed through the streets of Florence with these two beauties.  Our…


Added by Heidi & Milton on June 14, 2013 at 1:19pm — 6 Comments

An Unpleasant Encounter

Milton and I enjoy taking walks in the early evening when the sun is finally beginning to wane.  Last night we left here at about 8:00P.M., and we began our usually two-mile loop.  We go up one side of the street, sniffing about, and we return down the other side because we need to check that out too. 

Now, Jeff and I might have created a nasty habit (I don't think so.), but during our early morning jogs throughout the…


Added by Heidi & Milton on June 13, 2013 at 8:33am — 17 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

Good Morning!  Jeff and I returned home yesterday from a five-day vacation in Mexico!  One of Jeff's good buddies from high school, Robbie, was getting married on the beach, so, of course, we absolutely had to attend.  While we were lounging at the pool, we sent Milton off to "camp," otherwise known as his usual, Downtown Dog.  Upon arrival home, Milt Dog is utterly exhausted.  Last night Jeff and I bathed and brushed to get him nice and clean again after all of his…


Added by Heidi & Milton on June 10, 2013 at 5:26am — 6 Comments


Summer is in full swing, especially now that I am out of school, and everyday is a Momma and Milton day!  We are beginning to get into our daily routine of waking up, saying goodbye to Daddy Dog, and then taking a nice long walk or run.  Upon return, Milt naps most of the late morning and afternoon, periodically waking to play ball, while Momma sneaks off to yoga class.  We take another little evening walk while we wait for Daddy to come home.  It's…


Added by Heidi & Milton on June 5, 2013 at 7:40am — 8 Comments

Puppy Photo

Milt and I played a little ball yesterday (like everyday!), and it seemed as if after every couple of tosses, all he wanted to do was lie down in our flowerbed.  That's what 90+ degree heat will do to you, I guess.…


Added by Heidi & Milton on June 4, 2013 at 3:37am — 6 Comments


This past Friday, Milt and I took a little jaunt to Petco to use one of  his birthday gift cards.  Of course, we left late afternoon, and we got bogged down in typical Dallas traffic.  That aside, we first went to the wrong pet store, PetSmart, and we were forced to redirect to the other side of town.  No problem.

We walked into Petco, and I immediately stepped, with my bare footed flip-flop, into a big puddle of doggie…


Added by Heidi & Milton on June 3, 2013 at 7:56am — 11 Comments


At the school where I teach, I attend chapel five days per week.  Four of those days it is a brief service where we sing hymns, recite prayers, and listen to a Bible reading followed by a sermon.  On the one other day, we have a full service complete with Communion.  This may sound like an awful lot of worship, but it is actually a really nice reflection time for both the students and teachers halfway through the day.…


Added by Heidi & Milton on May 30, 2013 at 4:02am — 6 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

Happy Memorial Day, everyone!  This has been a very eventful three-day weekend for the Milt dog, Jeff, and me. That's because Grand-Nan and Aunt Heather are here!  My mom flew in this past Wednesday evening (very late night due to engine difficulty and flight delay), and it has been lovely visiting with her.  The first two days both Jeff and I were at work, so she was at home with Milton.  She claimed that he "ignored" her, but I kind of doubt that.  Milton is…


Added by Heidi & Milton on May 27, 2013 at 7:30pm — 6 Comments

Backyard Woes

Our backyard is both a blessing and a cursed.  We are blessed to have a 100+ year old pecan tree lovingly looking down on our house. …


Added by Heidi & Milton on May 22, 2013 at 3:51am — 7 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

In an effort to improve our backyard, I have been frequenting Home Depot's Garden Center.  I thought Milt looked pretty darn cute sharing the backseat with this big, 'ole fern. …


Added by Heidi & Milton on May 20, 2013 at 3:47am — 3 Comments

Happy Belated Mother's Day!

Mother's Day 2013 was the very first time that I felt like I could truly share in this holiday!  Did I recently pop out a kid, unbeknownst to anyone?  No.  I am a dog mom, and I am proud of my baby boy.  Sure, my boy might be incredibly furry with a big tail, but I have mothered the heck out of that guy for the past year, and I am rather pleased with myself.  Jeff thinks it is ludicrous that I cover Milt's ears when Jeff refers to him as a "dog," but he truly is my…


Added by Heidi & Milton on May 14, 2013 at 3:29am — 5 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

Sometimes Milt Dog likes to go incognito in the backyard.  Odd, I know.…


Added by Heidi & Milton on May 13, 2013 at 3:43am — 5 Comments

Same Old, Same Old

Nothing too new and exciting is going on over here.  It is just a lot of the same:…


Added by Heidi & Milton on May 8, 2013 at 3:54am — 3 Comments

Proud Momma and Daddy

On Tuesday, Milt and I visited the dog park together, like usual.  With the hot

summer weather blowing in, rather than walking to the grassy part of the park,

Milt has been tugging and yanking to run to the swimming portion.  It really is

rather nice that the park is located right on a lake.

To clarify,…


Added by Heidi & Milton on May 8, 2013 at 3:41am — 9 Comments

For the past week, Milton has been waking up Jeff and me around three or four in the morning to use the potty.  We don't know if his tummy has just been upset recently or if we are giving him food an…

For the past week, Milton has been waking up Jeff and me around three or four in the morning to use the potty.  We don't know if his tummy has just been upset recently or if we are giving him food and water too late in the evening.  Milt tends to greatly fluctuate with the consistency of his number twos.  Regardless, these bathroom runs are becoming an unpleasant routine for all three of us.  It is actually not too terrible though because we no longer have to walk…


Added by Heidi & Milton on May 6, 2013 at 3:33am — 4 Comments

Another Bout of Painting

Jeff and I just can't seem to get enough of painting this old house!  When the weekend hit, what did we find ourselves doing?  Painting, of course.  This time it was outside instead of in.  Basically, we have nothing left to paint for the interior.  My husband got it into his head that our deck had to be stained, which it most surely did, especially if you recall the pics from Milton's birthday party.  It was just a little old and worn out all over.  Jeff actually…


Added by Heidi & Milton on April 30, 2013 at 3:31am — 13 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

Jeff and I recently had the below banner of Milt created to fly outside our front porch.…


Added by Heidi & Milton on April 29, 2013 at 3:20am — No Comments

Buyer Beware!

When I was a kid, and I got to stay home from school because I was sick, it wasn't such a bad thing.  My mom would dote on me all day long from my vantage point on the sofa plopped in front of the TV.  If it was a Wednesday, my dad would be home too, so the house always had an energy about it.

Yesterday I stayed home sick from school, and it was quite the different experience.  I felt like it was a big, inconvenient break…


Added by Heidi & Milton on April 28, 2013 at 4:07pm — 9 Comments

Big Brother

A Wednesday post...?  How peculiar.  Yes, yesterday I missed my standard Tuesday posting because I had 95 research reports sitting on my chest.  They were weighing on my shoulders, hanging over my head, and directly in front of my eyes.  Am I now completely finished with grading those papers?  No, you always have those few outliers - late papers, waiting to print, and carefully tucked away somewhere.  Will I get them all read?  Yes, of course, however, it is just…


Added by Heidi & Milton on April 24, 2013 at 3:17am — 8 Comments


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