Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Heidi & Milton's Blog (218)

As Dull as Watching Paint Dry, Literally...

All my life has been lately is paint/grade, paint/grade, paint a LOT, and grade some MORE!  This old house is an awful lot of work.  It seems to have come at a bad time when I have endless stacks of multiples of 94 papers in the crush of work prior to Christmas vacation.  It hasn't even felt like Christmas around here because Jeff and I have been working so hard.  We have not dabbled in the traditional Elf viewing or seasonal shopping outings.  We have been moonlighting as painters in…


Added by Heidi & Milton on December 11, 2012 at 3:51am — 7 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

Some of you may recall last week's post of Milton's new found freedom of sleeping outside of his "cage" throughout the night.…


Added by Heidi & Milton on December 10, 2012 at 3:41am — 5 Comments

A Dollop of Humor!

Recently we have been allowing Milt to sleep in the free wild outside of his cage.  Thus far, it has worked out pretty well.  Each evening, on my side of the bed, I place all the bed throw pillows which encourages Milton to sleep right by my side, of course, where he belongs.  He remains there for the majority of the night, unless he is a bit hot or restless and will wander somewhere else in the room.  There is also the occasion when Jeff gets annoyed by Milton's travels, and he pens him…


Added by Heidi & Milton on December 10, 2012 at 3:40am — 5 Comments

A Gingerbread House for Christmas!

Jeff and I finally bit the bullet, and we bought a YARD for the Milt!  Ok, we bought a house...!  As the post title alludes, why is it a gingerbread house?  Well, take a look for yourself.…


Added by Heidi & Milton on December 6, 2012 at 4:24am — 21 Comments

The Deed is Done... Finally!

As of last Wednesday, Milton is officially neutered, and what an ordeal it was.  After our poor experience with the SPCA (who never returned my phone call!), we decided to go to our routine veterinarian who we know and trust.  This is probably what we should have done in the first place instead of trying to cut costs.  Oh well, you live and you learn!  We won't make the same mistake with our next pup.

Milton was dropped off bright and early, to welcoming arms, at the vet's office,…


Added by Heidi & Milton on December 5, 2012 at 3:34am — 11 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

Milton and I recently made a grand discovery of a small local dog park only 1/2 mile walk, 10 minutes away from our apartment.  The "park" is actually a unique situation because it is a vacant corner lot that is owned by the house next door, and to prevent development, the home owners have generously allowed four-legged pals to run free there.  The park has a wonderful community feel as tennis balls, chairs, and water dishes are left outside, visitors drag the trash to the curb, and the…


Added by Heidi & Milton on December 3, 2012 at 4:36am — 3 Comments

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

When I graduated from college and moved to my very first apartment in Boston, I decided that I should represent my foray into adulthood by sending sophisticated Christmas cards (homemade resplendent with stickers) to all my family and friends announcing that I was out on my own.  Five years later, I am still on that kick.  If you are a member of my immediate family, newly acquired immediate family, or one of a select group of friends, you know that I mail cards for almost every holiday -…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 29, 2012 at 4:55am — 7 Comments

Riding Along in My Automobile

I don't own a fancy car.  I'm rocking a Toyota Corolla, although it is a sleek jet black.  You have all seen the lovely doodle sticker that I display on the back, so people basically can figure out what I'm all about when I motor past.…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 28, 2012 at 3:46am — 4 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

Thanksgiving in Tennessee was an absolute ball.  Milton, of course, had the most fun out of the three of us.  Our doodle loves to socialize with anyone who will give him a little pat on the head or a good belly rub.  Everyday Milton made the rounds of the multitudes at our celebration:  adults (15), other dogs (8!), and especially little children (7) who are just on eye level with him.  The Milt gave out quite a few licks to kids, inducing some tears, but, on the whole, he received a warm…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 26, 2012 at 3:55am — 2 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving is a rather unusual one for us.  Rather than celebrating today, like most families, we are embarking on an 11-hour road trip to celebrate tomorrow in Tennessee with Jeff's brother's family.  I am not one for change in routine, but sometimes it is just necessary, and the end result is equally as good.  We are looking forward to the festivities, and I still plan to eat a turkey sandwich for lunch to keep in the spirit of the holiday! 

Yesterday, the Milt…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 22, 2012 at 2:59am — 3 Comments

A Slight Hiccup...

Recently, I received the inevitable phone call from Jeff.

         "Heidi, I just picked Milton up from daycare, and they say he needs to be neutered by the end of the month or else he cannot return."

        <Radio Silence> on my end.    

I don't think my husband realized it, but I had been dreading that day for quite sometime.  I suppose my main opposition to neutering comes from the fact that we never neutered our chocolate Lab, Brutus, when I was…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 20, 2012 at 4:19am — 15 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

Milton's Momma (me) likes to exercise everyday if possible, whether it be yoga or a walk/run.  Sometimes Milton gets in the way of this when he asks to go potty, play ball, or take a walk for his own daily constitutional.

Last week, he certainly interrupted my workout routine by pulling this little stunt:…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 19, 2012 at 3:25am — 3 Comments

Lotsa Doodles Calendar Giveaway!

10,000.  Does this number mean anything to you?  It means an awful lot to me because last week I hit 10,000 PAGE VIEWS on my blog,!

Since I began blogging on May 28th, the week prior to bringing the Milt home, I have garnered 10,000 viewings of my blog (plus lots and lots of views here), and I am positively thrilled.  To all of my loyal readers, thank you for reading multiple times a day (Mom), checking in weekly, or occasionally…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 15, 2012 at 4:23am — 6 Comments

Paradise Revisited

This past weekend our little family made the trek once again to northern Louisiana to visit the magical land complete with trailer, slough, and all.  Our boy was thrilled that we finally made it back into that neck of the woods both to see his grandparents and run wild for a couple of days.  We did not take nearly as many photos as the first time we visited because we were caught up in the moment, and it's not always easy to tear away and grab your camera when you're having fun or, rather,…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 13, 2012 at 3:37am — 5 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

On days when Milton does not attend daycare, we feel compelled to take him for an awful long walk in the morning.  Generally it is my duty and desire to take the Milt because I like the exercise too, but last week Jeff joined us for a very early morning walk.  Thankfully with the daylight savings time, it approaches light toward the latter half of the walk, so we are not in complete darkness the entire time.

Generally Milt enjoys his walks, but at times he can get a bit obstinate…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 12, 2012 at 4:01am — 7 Comments

Our Little Boy's All Grown Up!

Yesterday, November 7th, marked seven months for the 'ole Milt.  It is hard to believe that we have been raising this boy since June.  He's our main dependent, and depend on us he does.  When you see a dog every day, morning and night, it can be a little difficult to tell how much he has grown.  Well, here are some telltale signs that the Milt is turning into a "young dog" and leaving "puppyhood" behind.

1.  At the vet today, for Milton's monthly heart worm pill, he hopped up for…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 8, 2012 at 4:26am — 5 Comments

Stubborn Husband

More often than not, I win our fights over anything and everything, and believe me we are quite passionate when it comes to arguing.  One major battle I have lost at present, however, is the Milton in the bed.  Despite my recent post when countless readers told us to give in and let Milt up, Jeff still bluntly refuses.  He is resolute that our doodle is just too much of a dirty dog to be a cuddle bunny in bed.

This has left me with no other option than to join Milt down in…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 6, 2012 at 4:04am — 21 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

The Milt has some pretty big news to announce.  He is excited, nervous, and a little bit bashful all rolled into one.  How can this be?  Well, Milton is a Calendar Dog!  He was selected to be Mr. May (along with two other dogs) in the Doodle Kisses's Lotsa Doodles Calendar.  This was the money shot taken by Alicia (…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 5, 2012 at 3:45am — 4 Comments

Baby Bag Totin' Dog Parents

Here is another backlog post:

Recently we met a couple of good friends of ours out at dinner.  They brought their two terriers, Sam & Eddie, and, of course, the Milt joined us as well.  Upon our arrival, our friends got quite a chuckle out of the big backpack that Jeff wore to dinner, referring to it as our "baby bag."…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 3, 2012 at 5:05pm — 1 Comment

Halloween Partying sans Milt (kind of!)

Jeff was remiss to post on DK while I was in California.  If you do not read my blog,, here is what you missed!  (By the way, the trip was fun, but I am SO happy to be back home with my dood.)

Every year our friends, Alan and Alicia (the photography couple!), throw a huge Halloween bash at their house!…


Added by Heidi & Milton on November 3, 2012 at 5:04pm — No Comments


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