Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jessica, Loki and Moose's Blog (11)

Loki has more things to do than I do!

Obviously this isn't quiet true since I am there with him but still this dog's calander is booking up quick!

Loki and I have been pretty busy with our therapy work. We visit an observation unit at the University of Michigan hospital twice a month and he has been loving that! It's a low key floor with patients that are all stable so a calmer atmosphere for a new therapy dog is a perfect mix. One really cool thing we got to see was a young woman was under observation for an… Continue

Added by Jessica, Loki and Moose on February 11, 2016 at 4:10pm — 7 Comments

My dogs are either the biggest chickens or have an odd sense of humor.

So I swear my dogs are the biggest chickens or they are just screwing with me. I love them and would never trade them for any other dog, but they are the the worst guard dogs in the history of EVER! At least to my knowledge (this is how it is on TV so it has to be true, right?), when there is a knock at the door or the doorbell rings, the normal dog will go and see what's up. Um, not today. Not sure why but today Loki and Moose have decided that they don't want any visitors and…


Added by Jessica, Loki and Moose on December 1, 2015 at 10:24am — 4 Comments

Christmas Pictures!

Hi Friends!

So couple things about me: I LOVE holidays and get childishly excited about them. Also I am a "camera sergeant" as my brother calls me. I have to take pictures of everything and that includes my dogs which means they are subjected to pictures that I'm sure they would rather not do, but we now have a great routine and they know this means many treats followed but bully sticks (the only time they get them). 

Having black/dark colored dogs is…


Added by Jessica, Loki and Moose on November 18, 2015 at 5:56pm — 23 Comments

Christmas Costumes

Hello everyone,

So I decided for the Christmas Card exchange I would dress the boys up and let me tell you they are not thrilled at the idea.... Loki just sat there and seemed confused and Moose looked so miserable and finally just flopped over. So I haven't looked through my pictures on my camera yet to see if there are any good ones to use- hopefully! At least…


Added by Jessica, Loki and Moose on November 14, 2015 at 11:34am — 6 Comments

Loki and Moose ran away- and apparently had a great time!

Hi all!

Part of this past week I was in Florida visiting my family and my doodles went to stay with my friend who has dogs herself and a nice fenced in yard for them to run around in. Well.... apparently two boys (mine!) had decided that they grass was greener on the other side and dug out under her fence. Thankfully- I was on a plane home, so I came home in time for them to be rescued and I didn't even know they had ran away until they were found. Now both of these guys are…


Added by Jessica, Loki and Moose on November 7, 2015 at 10:13am — 15 Comments

Loki's Final Observation!

Hi All,

So he's officially a Therapy Dog now or as my brother keeps saying "he's legit!". It was the day of his final observation and he did so well today, we had a great time. I'm not sure how many people reading this have therapy dogs themselves, but we are certified through TD Inc. now, ATD and I am curious as to if the evaluation process seems similar for other organizations or if everyone has had different styles of evaluation. His test was very similar to the information…


Added by Jessica, Loki and Moose on September 22, 2015 at 5:20pm — 9 Comments

Just a bit about my boys! Also an excuse to post lots of pictures of them :)

Hello to all,

So today was one of those magical days were the lighting was PERFECT for taking pictures. For those who have black/dark chocolate doodles you understand  the pain, blood, sweat and tears that go into taking a picture of a dark colored dog. And then we have to get them to pose! Any ways the lighting was perfect and I actually got some great images of the boys that I think do a pretty good job of show casing their personalities. There really is no point to this…


Added by Jessica, Loki and Moose on September 19, 2015 at 4:00pm — 8 Comments

Ok I swear these are the last pictures/posts for the night!

 hello (again),

I was not going to post these last four of the boys but decided I had to. :)

 It's crazy to me how Moose at 6 months is almost the size of Loki. This is good for them though because they both play so rough together. 

I love this one of Loki because it's usually so hard to see his eyes hiding in the fluff and then factoring in the wind, movement, light- it's a lot. It's interesting to me too because when I see Loki in…


Added by Jessica, Loki and Moose on September 19, 2015 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Loki's second observation taught me a thing or two.

Hello all,

Loki had his second observation today and it went really well! There were so many nice people that we got to meet and it really made me even more excited for him to be doing work as a Therapy Dog. We went to a nursing home that was part assisted living and part Alzheimer's assisted living. We did our usually mini-walk around the grounds first, I use this time to get Loki used to walking with me and this isn't "a run or the dog walk type thing" and met the observers…


Added by Jessica, Loki and Moose on September 18, 2015 at 2:52pm — 12 Comments

Proud Dog Mom Post

Loki wow-ed me today. He had his therapy dog exam which he passed with flying colors and to be perfectly honest he did sooo much better than I would have expected. I was debating not even testing him and waiting until January, when they would be testing again. I spoke to an evaluator and she vey plainly asked me some questions and I said I think the two things he could get hung up on would be leave it and passing another team with a dog. She simply said "why not test him? If you fail, you…


Added by Jessica, Loki and Moose on September 12, 2015 at 1:00pm — 5 Comments

Same parents still means all bets are off!

Hi all!

So I have finally decided to start posting here and figured a good place to start would be describing my boys. They both are F1 Bernedoodles and have the same parents, just a year a part. They came from the nicest lady who is a family friend and is a great example to me of some one who does/did (Moose's litter was her last litter) breed puppies for the right reasons. She had one female Bernese and one male standard poodle who are her pets and extremely healthy dogs and she… Continue

Added by Jessica, Loki and Moose on September 7, 2015 at 2:42pm — 5 Comments


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