Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My dogs are either the biggest chickens or have an odd sense of humor.

So I swear my dogs are the biggest chickens or they are just screwing with me. I love them and would never trade them for any other dog, but they are the the worst guard dogs in the history of EVER! At least to my knowledge (this is how it is on TV so it has to be true, right?), when there is a knock at the door or the doorbell rings, the normal dog will go and see what's up. Um, not today. Not sure why but today Loki and Moose have decided that they don't want any visitors and living life as a hermit would be more interesting. 

I had posted a discussion a while back when I first moved to my new apartment about having a heck of a time trying to find a dog walker. See Here I found one who would only use those retractable/flexi leash things and was not willing to budge on that. That meant the dog walker had to go because I hear so many horror stories with those. So fast forward to now and I have found a dog walker! YAY! 

She is the nicest lady and actually lives only 5 minutes away and is willing to help me out on the days that I am unexpectedly stuck at work late! I had actually ran into her at a pet store and we got to talking. Turns out she owns her own business and started it up a year ago. So today she came over to meet the boys and see where all their stuff is. I had been telling the boys all morning "Guys, you get to meet a friend today!" I say this every time people come over or we go anywhere and they get soooo excited and camp out by the balcony door wall. See Exhibit A).... Typically the door bell rings and they go running down the stairs to  see who it is and have to practically be dragged away from the door to allow anyone to actually open the door. They rarely bark, even if someone is at the door. I've always joked around that even though two giant black dogs(80lbs and 90lbs + all that doodle fluff= dogs that look huge) should be a great built in security system. The problem being that no one would ever know they are there until they have broken in and at that point would realize that the dogs are giant however, giant marshmallows. Well today the doorbell rang and they decided that "Meh, we're kind of over this whole guard the house/meet friends kind of thing, your turn Mom!" 

They both trotted down the hallway and just plopped in my doorway. See Exhibit B)... Exhibit C) is below and shows them a little better. Please note that Loki is half hiding behind the door and Moose is slightly more brave sitting in plain site, but none the less hiding in my room! I wasn't really sure what to make of this so I grabbed some treats and they wouldn't budge. All the meanwhile this poor lady is waiting outside in not so great weather so I said screw it- I'll get the door! I went down the stairs and as soon as the boys heard her say "hi" THEN they decided that they wanted a friend and came running like bats out of hell to say "hi". For the love of God! Thankfully, their meet and greet went great! They loved her, would not leave her side once she was in the house and even when she went to leave, they followed her right to the door. I was trying to think what had set them off and I literally can't think of anything. There isn't anything weird outside and while the weather is very blah outside, there are no huge storms, big gusts of wind or extremely cold temps-literally nothing. Nothing is different in the house, the cold air return wasn't running, no dishwashers, no vacuums, no washer or dryer. I can't think of anything. After their dog walker left. I went down to the door and rang the door bell myself and while I got a lot of puppy head tilt, I was standing in the house with the door cracked open, they didn't feel the need to duck and cover. 

Later on, the UPS man dropped off a package and they were right back to their normal way of meeting people. Sometimes I think my dogs share my sense of humor. This is some silly prank that I would have done as a kid-ok let's be honest, I would still do something like this to mess with my parents. Maybe this is my karma? Because even though these are crappy pictures I took with my phone, I can tell in the pictures that they are both happy, and we all know from their  Christmas Pictures that Loki is capable of looking like the Grinch if he wants too.

Loki is afraid of a lot of different things, he's my nervous nelly, and I have tried to pull him out of my bath tub (his hiding spot, which I find ironic because he HATES baths) during a storm because I wanted a shower (how dare I) and he turns into a dead fish and at 90lbs can not be moved. Lesson learned- I plan my showers around the weather, is this ridiculous and should I possibly consult a trainer about having these fears addressed? Maybe- but I'm not perfect and for sure not a perfect dog trainer. To be perfectly honest if laying in my bath tub solves his fear of storms, dishwashers, vacuums, washers, dryers, cold air returns, fireworks and Lord only knows what else- so be it, this is cheap therapy and I wish laying in a cold empty bath tub solved my problems!

All in all, days like this even though it leaves me very confused, make me appreciate my doodles. Doodles are such unique and funny dogs and sooooo full of personality. Give all your doodles out there a squeeze for me!

Cheers- Jess, Loki, and Moose!

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Comment by Bonnie and Kona on December 4, 2015 at 10:11am

This story is so funny but the very best part is about Loki in the tub during storms (etc) and you wanting a shower. Dying laughing! Thanks for the stories about Loki and Moose. I love them. Of course I am particular to black, 90 pound doodles anyway, but your stories are super. 

Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on December 2, 2015 at 9:13pm

They just want to keep up your training, Jessica. It has been hard work teaching you to open the door when bells ring.

Comment by Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau on December 2, 2015 at 11:42am

Cute blog Jessica.  I know there are lots of members wishing they had your doodle problems! LOL It sounds like Loki & Moose are big fluffy sweethearts!

Comment by Kaitlin and Ludo on December 2, 2015 at 6:27am

That's so funny!  I love reading about the silly things Loki and Moose do!  It seems like they compliment each other so nicely.  It's so sweet that they watch out the window for their new friend!!  Ludo is completely unfazed by people coming over and ringing doorbells. I have to call him over to the door because he's probably sleeping or chewing on a toy and didn't even notice!


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