Our puppy is one week old today! I posted some new pictures of him. Just 7 or 8 weeks and he will be home, no problem right? Should go fast since we waited 3 months for him to be born!
Busy around here. I have started the long slow and often painful process of PT. I can't move my arm unless I am doing PT exercises for the next 6 weeks, no lifting of anything! UGH! Did I mention we bought a new house and will be moving around the 1st of June? Packing one handed should be interesting. There's a packing party in our future. That's ok, I'll just feed everyone something yummy & make it fun.
Good news is we will be in before Puppy arrives. We will be more than ready for him. I keep shopping and all his goodies keep showing up! Today his Snuggle Pup & Poochie Bells arrived, jingling all the way. Sounded a little like Christmas.
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