Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

6 weeks and a few days to go. Does "DH" stand for doodle-husband?? I really hope so because that is what I've been assuming, LOL! If it is, then my DH is slowly moving away from being hesitant about our doodle puppy. He says small dogs are yappy... Ours will be a large-mini. I think he's wrong but I don't know much about dogs. I think he'll fall in love with her as soon as he sees her. I must admit, the biggest hurdle to overcome in his mind is the cost. Where as for me, it could've been twice what it was! (don't tell my breeder!!!) I feel like he is minimally supportive and is "allowing" me and my daughters to get the puppy. I want him to be excited and happy just like we are. I'm hoping for a love at first site reaction when she comes home...

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Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on July 23, 2009 at 6:47pm

I do most of the feeding, walking etc, BUT DH will talk anybody's ear off about doodles and Ned especially!
Comment by Karen & Lucy on July 23, 2009 at 9:39am

This picture says a thousand words............. My DH is NOT a dog lover and did not want a dog. BUT, I have had a dog all my life except for the last 12 - 15 years that I went without one b/c of him not liking dogs. Well, I just decided I was getting one and this was his reaction when I brought her home. Do you think he looks excited......... NOOOOOO. That was over 3 years ago and now he loves Lucy, he doesn't want anyone else to know that though. He puts on a big show when company is around, but behind closed doors they are best buds. He will love your puppy to death when he sees her.
Comment by Lorraine Bromley on July 22, 2009 at 9:48pm
my Husband didnt' want a new dog. We have 15 yr old lab shepx. Our vet said that it might be a good idea to get a puppy to be taught by our old girl. We kept that in mind and I continued to look for THE dog. This time We needed a non to low shedder. I had fallen in love with the doodles from friends and then did breeder research. I did all this over quite a bit of time. I finally found a list of breeders to visit. I wanted to visit thhe breeders then make a decision on where then decide on when. He reluctantly went to the breeders with me, only when it was extremely convenient for him. He barely participated. Yet when we got tot he last breeder he seemed more interested. I said that I really liked this place and loved thier dogs ect. Thats when he got to hold and play with the pups. But one seemed to stand out to him. He started to ask me questions aabout all the research I had done like he hadn't even been listening over two years of me telling him about them. I said we could leave and wait til next year as our older dog is still in good health. He tryed the well your going to do what you want and play all tough. So i said no its our decision if you don't want one we can leave. He already had this one for this whole time. So he says well this ones as good as any isn't it. He just did not want to be soft. Now the dog comes into our bed every night. He goes to all ball games with Daddy. Daddy talks baby talk to him all the time. ANNOYING HIGH VOICE!! He constantly ssays how cute he is and how funny he behaves. We watches him play and gets him to do silly things. We have more picures of the dog than of our last son!!! I worked last week and he took Neely to my cousins ball game and managed to come home with more pics of Neely than my little 10 yr old cousin!!! You will be lucky to get to be mommy he will be so busy being daddy!!!
Comment by Nancy Sunderland on July 22, 2009 at 8:35pm
Comment by Nancy Sunderland on July 22, 2009 at 8:34pm
Yes, Sable will be her name! Here is a link to see her, (although I'm not sure which one she will be exactly other than a chocolate female!) href="" target="_blank">
Comment by HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08 on July 22, 2009 at 8:27pm
I loved my Dad's advice when I got a puppy. "You can go look at them, he would even give you direction's on how to get there, BUT Don't bring one Home"!!!!! As soon as you walked in the door, he would be sitting in his chair and you just handed the puppy over to him, that was the end of it. It was now "His Puppy" I think most men think if they show the softer side right away, we will view them as weak. They have to slowly let the child in them come out to play. Best of luck when you bring your new puppy home...did you's pick a name yet?
Comment by Jersey, Jasmine, Jypsy and Diane on July 22, 2009 at 7:29pm
Nancy, if your husband is anything like mine, your doodle will have him wrapped around her little paw in no time. My husband was trying to get me down to only having one dog, when my German shorthair pointer died. I still had a 10 yr old lab. What a dreamer! I went and bought a mini doodle. He absolutely LOVES this dog (Jersey) . We are celebrating our 40th anniversary in Aug. I asked him what we were going to do to celebrate. He said we don't have to go someplace, do we? I told him no, we can get another doodle instead. He just smiled. I took that as a yes. He is just as anxious about our Jasmine's arrival this Sat, as I am. Once your husband sees what a great dog it is, he'll be won over too. I hope your wait goes fast. Diane and Jersey
Comment by Linda,Yankee & Finn on July 22, 2009 at 4:37pm
Everyone here is absolutely right. My DH had to be convinced for my 1st doodle which he is crazy about. Then I had to convince him again when I wanted a 2nd one. Once I put a deposit down, he kept commenting about the cost. While I was out, my daughter heard him telling Yankee that he was getting a little brother and he was all excited about it. They just like to pretend to be tough guys but they really aren't. He adores both dogs.
Comment by Nancy Sunderland on July 22, 2009 at 4:13pm
Thank you for the Acronym page!
Comment by Tammy & Gracie on July 22, 2009 at 2:07pm
Nope, my Gracie can bark, but she is way too loud to be considered yappy! She is a 30 lb mini. Just wait, he will definately fall for the pup!!!


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