Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

last week I went into town with DH and the inlaws. We dropped DH off at work, I went to my chiropractor appointment, then the inlaws and I went shopping for materials for the basement reno they (and DH) are doing. I took Cooper and the inlaws dog Abbey out for a run in the snow before we went, to get their sillies out, and in doing so forgot to eat breakfast so was starving by the time we got home mid-afternoon for a late lunch. A good doodle Mom puts her fur-kid first!

Last night, I took Cooper out for a pee as usual. She hadnt had her 2nd poop of the day yet (she usually has it mid afternoon) so I contemplated putting her on the long leash (we live in the country and do not have a fenced yard) so she could find that perfect spot without me trailing after her, but decided that as it was slippy Id take her on a 6 ft leash so I could make sure she didnt hurt herself (Im paranoid she will break a leg as she leaps off the steps into the driveway, and got insurance just last week to help me feel better).

The weather here in Northern Ontario has been crazy this winter. -20C one day +5C the next, so a lot of the snow that accumulates melts and turns to ice. Yesterday was a warm day, it rained, and snow turned to mush then froze, and our driveway was covered with several inches of ice. I put on my "industrial boots" - steel toe capped, steel mid sole rubber boots with thick soles with great grip, down the steps we go. Cooper for once wasnt pulling and walked nicely across the iced driveway. She was slightly ahead of me, and got to the snow covered yard safely. I on the other hand slipped just before the snow and landed with a huge CRACK face first, half on ice, half on snow. I lay there in shock for 5-10 seconds (it sure felt longer than that) thinking "trip to the ER". I could just see Cooper standing a few feet away looking at me (I had dropped the leash).

When Cooper was a puppy and we had had her for about a week, I did the puppy personality test on her - part of it was to pretend to hurt yourself and fall over. See how the puppy responds. Cooper came up to me concerned and sniffed my face. Thats what I wanted last night. Comfort and concern from my baby. I called out her name softly (really I was testing to see if I could talk/move my jaw). She didnt come, just stood there. I got myself up and Cooper ran off to pee (she didnt go far). I called her but she didnt come (recall has never been her best command) and she proceeded to find a poop spot. Thats ok, she didnt go far, and she had a little light on her leash where it attaches to her collar (which thankfully I always switch on as there are no street lights in the country!) so I could see her. She then started to run down the yard towards the road. I knew she wouldnt come when I called her so I gingerly went up the deck steps to get the treat jar. My MIL was there so I told her I fell and asked her to help me get Cooper in knowing Cooper would be more likely to come see her "Gram-Gram". We both called and within a few seconds Cooper comes from round the side of the house. She didnt go far - I think she thought she was on her long line and knows the "boundaries" it gives her. She is also off leash when Abbey is on the long line and they play together as i know she wont go far from Abbey.

I took some pain meds and sat with an ice pack on my face for a few hours last night. I have a cut chin, and my jaw is swollen (no bruising though), a scrape on my cheek, a slightly stiff neck, lover back pain near my hips, and a headache. Sounds and feels worse than it looks, and luckily my MIL had made a big batch of soup yesterday as thats all I can manage (I tried some "medicinal" chocolate covered shortbread last night). Of course, DH is staying in town at a friends for a few nights as he does every Mon and Tues because of his work hours. Im a bit of a klutz so i can just imagine his reaction when I tell him...

Everyone, please be super careful out there!

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Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on January 25, 2012 at 9:40pm

I am so sorry you fell and glad that you weren't seriously hurt.  I am very glad that I live in southern California and don't have to worry about slipping on the ice.

Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on January 25, 2012 at 3:17pm

Kaytlin-I hope you are feeling better! So happy that Cooper stayed on the property! How scary to be laying there knowing she is on the loose!

Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on January 25, 2012 at 5:24am

Just another reminder that Doodles can be hazardous to our health.....LOL.  So sorry you had such a bad fall, and I sure hope that you're feeling a little better today.  It is so hard in this weather...I'm scared to death of falling on the ice. 

Comment by Bonnie and Kona on January 24, 2012 at 9:29pm

Kaytlin, This sounds just dreadful. I am so sorry you fell. I read about Yaktrax on the description of Carol's (and Bandit) blog regarding her fall. I hope you look into those things. They sound very helpful.

Comment by Leslie and Halas on January 24, 2012 at 8:31pm
That's two people on DK that have taken nasty falls! I hope you're OK. Cooper is a good girl, not getting too far from the house.
Comment by BG and Gavin on January 24, 2012 at 6:42pm

Oh Kaytlin!  So sorry to hear you took such a bad spill.  Good for Cooper to stay close.  You for sure need to get yourself some Yaktrax.  I could not live without them.  You get them at Walmart - cheap!

Comment by Jen, Lachlan, and Declan on January 24, 2012 at 6:17pm

Kaytlin - It's seriously cheap wine, but sometimes that's EXACTLY what the doctor ordered! I'd be happy to share it with you!

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on January 24, 2012 at 6:06pm

Kaytlin, I am so sorry you fell and got hurt. I hope you feel better soon!!

Comment by Kaytlin and Cooper on January 24, 2012 at 6:06pm

F - Cooper went out on her long leash today. Its attached to a rope which is tied to the deck where I stayed tonight

Donna - you made me laugh, poor DH's cheeks

Jen - that red wine sounds great!

Comment by Jen, Lachlan, and Declan on January 24, 2012 at 6:01pm

Oh geez, Kaytlin! Ouch! I wish I could (very gently) hug you and share with you my (cheap red) wine right now. Hope you're feeling better soon!


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