Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Wow, so much has happened in the last week, I have been truly stressed. My place of employment of 21 years informed us they were closing the doors on Friday the 22nd, they gave us 2 weeks to "finish things up" so really two weeks to fret about our situations. For me the issue was more sadness than worry, after all, I had a husband that could support me. The hardest thing for me was saying goodbye to our clients, which by the way we were unable to do because of Franchise rules. I of course had a few friendships formed and was able to give a heads up at least but no details. As you can imagine, not an easy time.
Then Daisy's cataract diagnoses was the end of my week, finding out on Saturday at her wellness visit.
The upside of these two things:
I got a job offer today from an interview I had on Wednesday. An opportunity that just fell from the heavens. I have accepted. The downside of this will be that Daisy can no longer come to work with me :o(. I am pretty sure she will be okay as I have many neighbor friends that want to step in. When I told a couple last Friday of the situation the first thing he said was "looks like we will be getting the best of two worlds, Daisy can be ours from 9-5 and they get the other shift...+ we don't have to pay for her or the have the cost of having a pet, all of the joy". So 3 couples here will have total access to Daisy. It will take some getting use to on my part and hers but we will be okay.
And I am happy to report that it looks like PetPlan will pay for her operation minus the deductible so we will be proceeding with that soon. In the mean time the Vet has prescribed drops for her eye to slow down the formation of the cataract.
Today is a happy day but I have got to say...I AM EXHAUSTED from all of this worry. Wake me in a week.
Congratulations on your new job and things have turned around for you and Daisy. Wow, you have wonderful neighbors and Daisy being with them certainly relieves a lot of stress for you.
I am so glad that this difficult week had a happy ending. And, good news about the PetPlan coverage!
Well it sounds like everything is working out beautifully. I am so happy you have a job offer and neighbors who care so much :) Also glad that PetPlan is covering the surgery!!!! YAY!
Lots of changes. It sounds like things look very good though.
What great neighbors you have!
I hope everyone adjusts well.
Wow, I'm thinking you need to go buy a lottery ticket because you have gotten really lucky! Congratulations. This situation sounds like a win win for everyone involved.
It's wonderful to have friends and neighbors such as yours, lucky you AND lucky Daisy.
F., Laurie, Amy, Jarka and Karen. You are right my neighbors are wonderful. I know she will be fine and everyone keeps telling me dogs have no reference of time (though I think they have more than we think) and she will just be happy when I arrive home. I came home yesterday after a 4 hour leave and she seemed okay. We went for a walk and then played in the backyard. so she was happy happy.
It will be a couple of months for her surgery probably but of course I will let you know.
And Amy, to answer the age old question about work and DK, I am working! LOL (but no, unfortunately not).
Thank you everyone.
Congratualtions on the new job, Lisa! I'm so glad you found this opportunity so fast, so many people are out of work for months. And what wonderful neighbors you have! It really sounds like things are working out well, although I know it must be overwhelming to have so many changes happening in such a short time. I'm not good with change, I would be very stressed by all of it as well.
I'm also glad the insurance will cover Daisy's eye surgery. I'm sure the cataract discovery has been the biggest worry for you of all of this. I'm sure the surgery will go well, you and daisy will both settle into your new routines, and peace will reign in your life once more! Take a deep breath and try to relax! All in all, this sounds like good news all around. :)
Wow, lot's going on! Congratulations on your new job. That was really fast. Too bad Daisy can't go. But I can't believe how wonderful neighbors you have. Not very many people can say that. Also, hoping Daisy's surgery goes well for her.
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