Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Marnie, Stanlee's Mom has not received any gifts yet
Started this discussion. Last reply by Star and Goldie May 22, 2013. 27 Replies 0 Favorites
I hate to ask this of anyone but I didn’t know where else to post this. I received this link concerning a doodle in Illinois that needs immediate assistance as he is currently in a high kill…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Adina P Feb 25, 2013. 41 Replies 0 Favorites
We have a VERY large fenced in yard but my two dogs tend to stick to one specific area and they have totally and completely trashed that part of the yard. Where there used to be lovely, lush grass,…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Janie, Jackson and Jilly Aug 30, 2012. 24 Replies 0 Favorites
So here is a question for you doodle owners with boy dogs: (so glad my husband doesn't come on here or he would TOTALLY diss me on this); Stanlee’s eyebrows are getting longer and sometimes they…Continue
Posted on July 29, 2013 at 8:41am 17 Comments 0 Favorites
A number of years ago I started a tradition of having a Christmas in July holiday dinner at our house. I love turkey dinner. I love the turkey and all of the wonderful side dishes that go with it and can’t figure out why we have it only twice a year. So that said, I purchase the most inexpensive meat there is – turkey – and off I go on a mission to serve up the works with all of the holiday spirit. This year I was…
ContinuePosted on June 19, 2013 at 11:43am 19 Comments 2 Favorites
Oh my mom is coming over for dinner tonight so I spent about an hour and a half last night prepping and cubing meat, onions, potatoes, and carrots for the pot roast I plan on serving. I wanted to be able to just throw it all into the crockpot this morning with no hassle so everything was neatly stored in disposable Ziploc bags for a no fuss/no muss and easy-peasy morning. In the meantime I realized…
ContinuePosted on April 23, 2013 at 7:11am 7 Comments 0 Favorites
I was running errands this past weekend and walking through the Renaissance Center in downtown Tallahassee, passed by a wall hanging I had never noticed before. Looking up I stopped dead in my tracks because on the wall hung a collage of photos depicting Tallahassee's Top Dog for the year 2011 - a labradoodle named Ari. As a doodle owner and lover, it thrills me to see…
ContinuePosted on March 25, 2013 at 7:32am 15 Comments 0 Favorites
Some of you mentioned that you didn’t know what a loblolly pine was so I took some time out of my not-so-busy schedule to put together a photo “montage”. I took my happy booty out this weekend and took a few pictures to share in the hopes that my complaints about our springtime pollen would sink in. (Ignore the pretty flowers in the background and concentrate on the horror of Spring in…
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Thank you for the invitation to meet at Lake Ella. Molly is scheduled to be spayed Aug 13,th. I am sorry it took so long for me to answer your invite ( I have been ill - and trying to house train this puppy has been difficult for me)
Do hope we can meet after Molly and I both recover.
Even though our Eddie is a goldendoodle, his face is a Stanlee lookalike!
Hi Marnie ! I've been thinking about you, and way back when your Loblollie (?) Pines were blowing all that cruddy yellow pollen around. I mentioned our Poplar trees and all the white fluff they blow around. It's crazy, just like snow. You thought that would be interesting. Here's a couple of pictures.
Hahaha can you say Aaaahchoo !? Have a fluff free day !
:) Thanks! That was pretty much how it went down.
My kind of person - at least as far as reading preferences go? I love all the same stuff. Wanna be friends?
LOL your brother has a great name! Finn approves :) My brother calls Finn, Feinstein, because he says he's way too smart for a dog but a little spaced out sometimes LOL
Ya think?? He's a doodle.
I saw Linda's post. Did you read The Darkest Evening of the Year? Loved that book! Loved your Profile too!
Thank you for the friend request. FInnegan and I would love to be friends! Stanlee is one handsome guy.
Stanlee is so cute. It's hard getting a good photo of a black dog. I see you are also into gardening and photography, which are two of my hobbies also. I also love digital art.
Hello. I read your post that you have every Dean Koontz book written, and it is great to meet another DK (DoodleKisses or Dean Koontz) fan. I also have all of his books, but my favorites are Watchers and Corner of His Eye. I love the series for Odd Thomas and am a little disappointed that I cannot get Deeply Odd as an E-Book. Also, I have read all of the books in the Frankenstein series which I thought I would not like, but I did. So, have you done any reading with time travel? That's another one of my favorites.
No sign of shedding over here, yet, but he still has his puppy coat. Our main problem is this biting thing--my right hand looks like it's been repeatedly stabbed with a fork! We might just bypass "soft mouth" training and move directly to NO TEETH ever!
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