Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We got Ruby a year ago in December--as some of you may remember, the day after we got her at 8 weeks, my father-in-law got extremely ill. We took our brand new pup and spent the next 5 days in a nursing facility round-the-clock with him until he died. Ruby was a champ, making friends with all the residents, cheering up everyone, becoming a favorite with visiting Hospice folks.

Then we made a trip by car from Colorado to California and back for the funeral. After that we proceeded to make numerous cross-country trips, and finally moved from Colorado out to the Central Valley for a job opportunity. Ruby has continued to befriend everyone--in a place where there are mostly pit bulls and chihuahuas, Ruby stands out. People of all ages stop to pet her, ask questions and laugh [she still looks like a stuffed animal]. The hardest thing about where we are is finding good quality dog sitting, but we're working on that.

Ruby has discovered the joys of the beach--she loves to run in the long stretches of sand and breathe in the fresh ocean air [us too!].

When we get in the car now, she settles down int the back and lets out a sigh, I'm sure she's wondering, "Will it be a ten mile drive? Or 1000 miles?"

We can't imagine our life without her.

Views: 193



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Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on January 25, 2016 at 11:18pm

What an exciting year you have provided for Ruby.  I am sorry about your father-in-law.

Comment by BG and Gavin on January 23, 2016 at 12:12pm
Beautiful girl and so resilient. Congrats.
Comment by Julie, Eloise & Beasley on January 18, 2016 at 5:50pm

Sweet Ruby, glad she's had such a good, adventurous first year!  I feel the same - I can't imagine my life without my girls...doodles are the best!

Comment by Miss Ellie on January 18, 2016 at 8:38am

So very sorry to hear about your father in law, but so happy that Ruby was able to give you the comfort & cheering up that you so needed at the time...dogs have a special way of doing's what makes them so very precious!  How wonderful that she is such a great traveler!

Comment by Joani, Skadi & Elli on January 17, 2016 at 5:19pm

What a sweet year you've given to Ruby...she's gorgeous.  That's a great picture of her on the beach with her shadow and her feet not even touching the sand!  What joy and what joy Ruby has brought to everyone she's met.  These doodles are outstanding!

Comment by Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau on January 17, 2016 at 4:37pm

Congratulations.  Ruby has become a beautiful girl.


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