Today I was speaking with an associate. He was complaining how he has been so busy trying to find a doodle for his kids. I told him I hoped that he would consider getting a rescue, as I know there is one available in Fargo (which is a 3 hour drive, and within his territory). Well, me and my big mouth! That just opened the floodgates to his little brain. It went something like this:
Are you kidding? I'm not paying $300 for a "rescue" dog! blah, blah, blah! Then I tried to explain that the amount charged is usually just to cover vetting expenses, and that most rescues are spayed/neutered and chipped.
Well, those people are such a pain in the @$@! They won't just give you a dog, OH, NO! They make you fill out all this paperwork and then they want to come to your house, for crying out loud its easier to have a kid than adopt a dog, blah, blah, blah. So, of course, I try to explain to him that they want to make sure that the applicant is committed and can and more importantly WILL handle the dog and not turn it back into a shelter in 6 weeks.
Well, its just easier to get it from a breeder, blah, blah, blah. I asked him why he complaining about paying $300 for a rescue when a good breeder will be charging at least $800. And, any breeder that is reputable will make him fill out an application as well.
OH NO! I have seen them for $300-400 ! I replied, yep, the breeder that Fozzy was rescued from was charging $400 in the paper and when he couldn't sell them, he decided the economy was too bad, so he was going to get out of it for awhile. He was planning on getting rid of his dogs by shooting them.......
Well, see, so isn't it better to buy a puppy from him than to force him to shoot them? At that point my head exploded and popped right off my neck.....
I realized that I was dealing with a complete moron who had already made up his mind and said a little prayer that he would change his mind about getting a dog.
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