Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, never a dull moment at our house. Last week we were on vacation with a friend of mine from Michigan and we had a great time. I was actually more relaxed than I had been in months. Yesterday I was getting a bunch of paperwork together for the boys returning to school that I needed to work on. I left the room, started organizing the papers in order of importance and noticed that the bowl of grapes that the boys were eating during lunch were gone. Wow, I couldn't believe they finished the whole bowl??!!?? Now wait a minute.......we must have had an intruder in our has taken me 8 years to get them to remember to clear their own plate, I still haven't gotten them to clear other things off the table! So, I open the fridge to see if the grapes were somehow miraculously placed in the fridge, since I knew I didn't do it. Nope. The search begins...."Boys, do you have the grapes downstairs?"......"NO!"....hmmmmm. Yep, under the dining room table, one extremely empty bowl, not a grape in sight. Ugh! "BOYS! GET UP HERE!" We proceded to fix Fozzy Bear a cocktail of hydrogen peroxide and force it down his gizzard. Then the fun began. On the driveway poor Fozzmonster began heaving and barfing up a storm, 6 times!......what a joy! Got him in the car, oops, not so quick, one more, nope, two more times, OK, now we are off. Um, make that three more times. We got to the ER Vet and got a charcoal cocktail for the poor little guy and went home. So,four hours and $200 later, we hope we did the right thing. The vet said they could keep him and push fluids with an IV, but that wouldn't guarantee anything more than what they had already done. So, I have to take him in Tuesday and get his kidney function rechecked.

So much for getting that paperwork done.....

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Comment by Chris & Boys on August 18, 2009 at 6:03pm
Well, so far so good. Won't get test results back on kidney function til thursday,so I will post an update again then.
Comment by LuvMyAbby&Kaela on August 18, 2009 at 2:22pm
OMG wow! Poor Fozzy! Gad to hear it looks like he will be ok (my friends Jack Russel ate grapes and almost died - but it was pretty much instant so I think Fozzy will be ok). Hydrogen peroxide? I have never heard of that - I would have assumed it is a deadly poison - I guess not. I will cross my fingers that kidneys are unscathed!
Comment by Chris & Boys on August 18, 2009 at 8:46am
Well, Fozzy seems to be ok so far. I am to watch for loose stools and vomitting. He had a slightly loose stool yesterday, but not bad. I am keeping a positive attitude til we go back to the vet to get his kidney function tests re-done. Thank you for all your concern!
Comment by Janie on August 17, 2009 at 9:12pm
Be sure and keep us updater on poor Fozzy.......poor guy.
Comment by Cherri on August 17, 2009 at 8:54pm
Bless your heart! What a terrible experience! I am so glad you caught it when you did. Let us know how he is
Comment by Kyoko on August 17, 2009 at 6:56pm
I hope Fozzy is OK! I am glad that you caught it quickly!
Comment by Chris & Boys on August 17, 2009 at 2:28pm
LOL! Cute scrap booking page, eh? Regurgitated grapes and Fozzy! YIKES!
Comment by Kevin Poole, Penny & Ozzy on August 17, 2009 at 2:27pm
Sheesh Hannah, you can't take your eyes off them for a minute can you?
Comment by Chris & Boys on August 17, 2009 at 2:26pm
Well, the vet said that in some dogs they can eat grapes all their lives and it doesn't effect them. But she has had cases where it was a very small number of grapes 3-4, and it killed them. They don't know what causes it to damage the kidneys, just know that it does.
Comment by HANNAH 8/2/07 & HONEY 7/2/08 on August 17, 2009 at 12:57pm
Oh and while I'm thinking about this...her other dog Missy ate gorillia glue and had to have her stomach operated on because it formed a cast on the inside of the stomach, that was almost or over 2,000. She was gluing a step on her patio and didn't realize the glue would expand, the dogs were out and she went inside to do something, when she left them in a few minutes later, Missy had the gorillia glue on her mouth, paws and off to the Vet they went. This was equally as bad as the grapes. But both dogs are Happy and Healthy now....


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