We have had Hudson home for about a month now and he needed a few things done. I noticed the fur between his paw pads was getting really long, also the bum fur was.. well.. getting in the way of doing his business! I have a friend (not a good friend, more of an aquaintance) who owns a grooming business, and since Hudson is not done his shots I thought I would get her to come to my home and do some grooming for me. Right away she told me that she couldn't just shave the problem areas (stomach/bum/paws) and leave the rest, as it would look terrible. I assumed this meant she would blend them into his coat? She told me to trust her and that he would look great. She asked that I leave the room (it was making Hudson more nervous with me there) so I did... and when I came back in my fluffy adorable labradoodle had been completely SHAVED! He does not look like the same dog. I held it together, paid her, and when she left I couldn't help but cry! I am not one for confrontation so when she asked if I liked the length I just said 'its ok..'. Hubby is not impressed that I paid $80 for something I am completely unhappy with. I had asked her if she had groomed labradoodles before, I just don't understand why she would want to shave him down so short?! I will try to add a pic when I get one. I have seen many pics of dogs going through coat change who get matted and need to be shaved, thats what he looks like. Even his head poof is gone. Going to go cry now....
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