Well, we have made it through week 1 on the second hip.....This time around it has been much tougher on Beemer. Although the first hip is healing very well....it has been only 5 weeks....so he struggles to use that one as his good hip while trying to understand why the other hip is not working as well. He spends most of his days sleeping and his appetite has diminished greatly....We sat on the deck with him yesterday as it was so warm....but his x-pen seems to be the place his feels the most safe. We still continue to give him 24 hour care....so he is never alone. Comiskey helps a lot by being ever so gentle while she sleeps next to him or alerts us to anything she feels he is doing that maybe he shouldn't. We continue to find ways to entertain ourselves...but as long as we are all together...Beemer is happy.....
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