Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well we survived our second week. It seems like months. Beemer is doing very well. Last Friday he had his stitches out and the nurse said every thing look good. Beemer
has not had to wear his e-collar…not once.
Of course, he has been under 24 hour surveillance…so not much chance of
getting away with anything.

His scar looks amazingly well. It started out as this big pinched pile is skin, but now half is flat and the other half has gone way down….swelling and
healing I would imagine.

He is allowed more freedom… we only use the x-pen at night…and yes, my DH still sleeps on the floor with Beemer and Comiskey. Still no stairs for him and that is okay….he
only likes to be with us…so we just stay away from the stairs. It is hard to believe that in two weeks we
will be going through this all over again. The snow has been a blessing….he
goes out, does his business, sits for a minute to contemplate the world around
him…and comes back in.

We did have one problem….my DH was serving all of Beemer’s meals to him. So Beemer decided that he
liked that and wouldn’t get up to eat or drink.
He wanted to be served. So when
he got hungry he would just lay there and do that doodle grumble. We soon put a stop to that and now it he
wants to eat….he goes to the table like the rest of us.

So I will leave you with this….Comiskey has never been the compassionate doodle in our home…she likes her independence and will never approach to be
cuddled or petted. But, through out all
of this, we have seen a softer side. We
no longer question her love for Beemer…..Have a wonderful day!

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Comment by Kathy Spyker on March 4, 2010 at 6:43am
Love the photo!! I am so glad Beemer is doing well, I hope the next one goes smoothly for you's. Stay strong and things will be back to normal in no time. Keeping Beemer in our prayers!!
Comment by F, Calla & Luca on March 4, 2010 at 6:19am
Sounds like things are going as well as he possibly could be--great!
Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on March 4, 2010 at 6:02am
Great picture. I am glad Beemer is doing well.
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on March 4, 2010 at 5:54am
Penny, your DH sounds like an amazing guy...I would definitely keep him!
I'm so glad Beemer is doing well! And I love that Comiskey is showing her softer side for her little brother! That photo really says it all!
Hugs to all of you!
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on March 4, 2010 at 5:41am
I love this picture...They really are so beautiful! I'm so glad Beemer is doing better. That's so funny that he wanted to be "served" all his meals. It doesn't take them long to figure out how to "play us". I have a son who is an expert at it...LOL.
Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on March 4, 2010 at 5:33am
ahhhhh, how sweet. I feel so much for you guys as I know how trying those bed rest days can be. And to think that you have to do it again. There is a reason that Beemer found his way into your home. I don't remember exactly how old Comiskey is, but I have noticed in the last few months (our girls were 2 yesterday) that they have become much more lovey and want to cuddle more. In the past they would lay at the other end of the sofa or love seat, but not up against us or head in our lap type thing. In the past few months though this has really changed. Not sure why, but all the time now you find a doodle in your lap. So, this may be the beginning for Comiskey! I love this picture! Have a great, uneventful week. Enjoy the little bit of freedom in the next couple weeks. Look forward to more updates on beemer.


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