Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Can Someone Please Tell Me... WHY????

As I sit here (in the later part of morning) at my kitchen table, drinking coffee with my lap top in front of me, I look around - only to see.... a floor that needs vacuuming, furniture that needs dusting, a counter FULL of mail that needs to be sifted through, and smudge on my windows and doors that need to be windexed clean.  (and a 18th birthday and graduation party in 2 weeks for my son to plan and clean for)  So WHY then do I sit here searching through forum posts, blogs, and my DK e-mail when there is SO much to do?   Some (non doodle people) would say I'm obsessed and have no self control.  Maybe..... but, What do YOU think?

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Comment by shelly on July 13, 2011 at 2:41pm

TRACI and ANGIE ~  By George... I think you've got it!  I was just telling my mother in law that I really have crashed this year and hit rock bottom....between the last few weeks of craziness, closing my room, my son's "lasts" (concert, baseball game, etc - an unexpected...very emotional time for me), prom,  my son graduating, (and stressing over the speech I had to do because I was the PTSA president of his high school), I just went into a stupor for a few weeks - so I think you are most definitely ON to something here, girls!  


THANKS EVERYONE for putting things in perspective... I'll tell ya'  WE are one bunch of wonderful people!!  

Comment by shelly on July 13, 2011 at 2:36pm

LOL... Laurie!  yeah stinks worse than doodle poop!  


Deanna!  I Love it!  "procrasti-doodle-nation"  I hear a new saying for a tee shirt by the holidays here! LOL  (BTW - i just bought my son a shirt that says "I put the 'PRO' in procrastination)...guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree here!

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on July 13, 2011 at 2:08pm
I think housework stinks, and you are making a much better choice being on DK. Enjoy your summer :)
Comment by Deanna & Desi & Cori on July 13, 2011 at 12:39pm
I think it's called procrasti-doodle-nation!!!!!
Comment by Traci -Bexter & Maggie on July 13, 2011 at 12:27pm
Wow...Angie...You hit it on the head!  I AM a teacher and could NOT agree more.  This is not an obsession (ok...maybe it is...) BUT it is to keep your sanity for the rest of the year when everybody needs you! So, really, if you are a teacher, it is for the common good that we are on DK during the summer!  What a sacrifice!
Comment by Jayd (Dempsey) on July 13, 2011 at 10:35am
Pat hit it on the head!!  I am not a teacher and I'm supossed to be working from my home office...and yet here I am checking comments and pictures and information.  I can't get enough.  It's worse than Facebook. LOL!
Comment by Angie, Hudson and Lily on July 13, 2011 at 10:23am

I think it is a common condition that happens often in teachers. You just spent the last 9+ months running at lightning speed, having questions, demands, and requests being fired at you every minute of the day. Your problem solving skills have been put to the test solving major and minor problems daily. Your short and long term planning skills have been exhausted by planning and then making quick last minute changes on the the fire drill in the middle of your important math lesson, the assembly the principal forgot to tell you about, the child who gets sick and vomits on the way to lunch.... All in a days work! :) Your mind is exhausted and experiencing a little "Teacher ADD". It is hard to attend to those things calling for your attention when you can just as easily sit and relax and mingle with some fellow Doodle Lovers. Enjoy every minute of your summer. You will be off and running soon enough. :)

Comment by shelly on July 13, 2011 at 10:23am
Sue ~ to keep sane and/or at least relax!  LOL
Comment by Sue, Lola, Pongo & Hubby on July 13, 2011 at 10:06am
I think you need to come here to keep sane. Everyone deserves a break once in a while, and where could you find a more supportive, entertaining and understanding group of people and doodles??? That's how I justify spending so much time on here!
Comment by Jennifer and Jack on July 13, 2011 at 10:05am

I agree with Pat too....Not that I follow that advice but I agree with it and someday will surrender to the smudge marks and paw prints.


I am trying to conserve energy... so I am now trying to only allow myself a total house cleaning once a week, with minor pick ups in between.. What ever happens happens but not mopping or windex unless company emergency arises or it is my cleaning day.


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