Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Shelly's Blog (20)


Please don't forget us!  Don't hang our names up in the Doodle Kisses Members' MISSING Section - with the caption.... have you seen 'these two'...I'm afraid we may show up on the back of a Nyla-bone or Kong package in Petsmart soon.... but,  as one of my (used to be favorite) actors said, "I'll be…


Added by shelly on September 15, 2011 at 7:32pm — 16 Comments

Oh No! Not Again!

Oh No!  First Irene... and now Lee!  I wish all of my friends  in Lee's path well!  Please stay safe!  And now, Katia is coming up the coast on the east as well !  This has been one CRAZY month!  Good luck, my friends!  Sending pawsitive thoughts and prayers your way!  Be safe!

Added by shelly on September 4, 2011 at 9:51am — 5 Comments


This month has been CRAZY!  The last few weeks have really got me spinning... kinda' like I was in the middle of a hurricane, oh wait!  I WAS! And possibly even a tornado.  What the DOODLE?  Long Island does NOT have these weather extremes usually.  Oh, and did I mention we had a pretty big tremor from the earthquake in Virginia?  Just what is going on here?  I was so happy to get away and go on that dream vacation to Hawaii that we waited so long for.  Not even paradise could keep me…


Added by shelly on August 31, 2011 at 10:34pm — 14 Comments

SOoooo.... What'd I Miss?

Hello everyone!  Boy did I miss you guys while on vacation for the past 10 days!  I don't think (even in my busiest times) that I have ever been off DK as much as I have during these past 10 days!  I have missed many posts and TWO YAPPY HOURS!!!   I have to admit, I did peak and got to comment a bit  during the early mornings while waiting for 'the boys' to wake up and late at actually worked in my favor that there was a six hour time difference (well 3 hours for you…


Added by shelly on August 27, 2011 at 5:58am — 8 Comments

SH! Snuck on To Say Aloha!

Okay... so this post has confirmed what we already know.... I'm truly addicted!  I peeked, I glanced and I even took some time to make some quick comments while on vacation.  I missed 'seeing' all of you!  We were actually delayed in LA - originally it was for 30 minutes - then as the 30 minutes were up, they extended it for another 30, then an hour and on and on.   The total delay was for FOUR hours due to mechanical problems... they claimed it was the a/c, but I…


Added by shelly on August 21, 2011 at 2:35am — 24 Comments

Why Can't They Just Let Sleeping Doodles Lie?

OMD!  Why is it that when poor Tori lays down to rest or sleep, everyone needs to go over to her and disturb her!  No matter what, "someone" will pass the poor girl and poke or prod her.  They'll start petting her, lifting her ears, whispering sweet NOTHINGS in her ears!  Yes!  She IS cute while she's sleeping (of course she's cute when she's a wake too), but WHY do 'they' feel the need to have to tell her that while she is sleeping?!  'They' think it's hysterical how 'they'… Continue

Added by shelly on August 15, 2011 at 8:17am — 13 Comments

NOTHING to do with Doodles.. Just need to vent

So where else does one turn to vent than to those ever so caring doodle friends who are always there with open arms and hearts.... many of you know I am so anxiously awaiting a dream vacation to Hawaii. (one that we have been trying to go on for 18 years).   Just as I was feeling so bad that we are leaving Tori (in good hands) for 10 days, my older son decides to take my mind off those worries by coming down with a FEVER!  YUP... 2 days before we have to fly 13 hours.... my 18 year old… Continue

Added by shelly on August 14, 2011 at 10:48pm — 25 Comments

Please Send All Good Doodle Vibes

Well... paws all crossed... I have been working - SOME with Tori on strangers... today is the 'big party day' - hoping Tori doesn't freak out too badly.... I'm trying to keep calm so she doesn't sense my tenseness... I'll be back for an update!

Added by shelly on July 24, 2011 at 12:04pm — 24 Comments

Can Someone Please Tell Me... WHY????

As I sit here (in the later part of morning) at my kitchen table, drinking coffee with my lap top in front of me, I look around - only to see.... a floor that needs vacuuming, furniture that needs dusting, a counter FULL of mail that needs to be sifted through, and smudge on my windows and doors that need to be windexed clean.  (and a 18th birthday and graduation party in 2 weeks for my son to plan and clean for)  So WHY then do I sit here searching through forum… Continue

Added by shelly on July 13, 2011 at 8:00am — 44 Comments

Okay... Is this YOU?

Before laying my weary head on the pillow each night, I jump on DK to see what everyone is up to  - no matter how tired I am I feel the need to jump on to check on everything.  And has been taking me a bit longer to get through the posts.  Here's my question.....So... how many of you are like me now and are jumping over to the forum discussion about what "Humans On DK Look Like" to see the person answering the posts?  This has definitely helped me to put faces to the… Continue

Added by shelly on February 26, 2011 at 10:53pm — 13 Comments

Is YOUR Doodle a Picky Pooper Too?

Sometimes, I just can't believe what I talk about on this site.  Maybe it's the doldrum of winter, but... I mean, I don't even personally KNOW you guys, but yet we talk about such things as "POOP"!  ???  Tori lately has become such a picky pooper!  LOL  

  It has been taking her so long to find a 'spot'... she walks, and sniffs, and turns round and round.  YES - finally!  NOPE.  Not there... she sniffs again, walks, turns round and round - NOPE again.... this…


Added by shelly on February 4, 2011 at 10:02pm — 16 Comments

I Don't Know if This is a GOOD Thing, but....

I'm not sure how to take this.... my dad just called me while I was reading through the forum posts (which I haven't been able to do in weeks!) - ironic - to tell me to watch the 11 o'clock news in New York (ABC). He just watched the 5:00 o'clock news, and said a dog was on who ate a cell phone charger and then some glue... he said eating the glue probably saved the dog's life. My dad then said he wanted me to go on their website and post the things my… Continue

Added by shelly on November 12, 2010 at 2:50pm — 21 Comments

A Touching Video for Dog Lovers

We tease about our "addiction" to DoodleKisses and our doodles, but we seriously are so lucky to receive such unconditional love back from our 'fur-kids'. After reading so many blogs about how much we love our dogs, and how we have dedicated our lives to loving them and caring for them, I thought I'd pass along this video someone sent ME today on Facebook.... I hope you enjoy it!…


Added by shelly on August 30, 2010 at 7:57pm — 3 Comments

Yes! I Am Addicted

Well, they say the first step in 'curing' your addiction is to admit it. So, here goes.... yes ~ I admit it... I am truly addicted to Doodle Kisses! Last week when I joined our "Facebook" page, and went back to see exactly what the date was that I joined, I was amazed to see that it hasn't even been a year yet! I don't think I ever learned so much information, or made so many 'friends' in less than a year in my entire life! And today, when I checked in on my… Continue

Added by shelly on August 27, 2010 at 7:14am — 19 Comments

Our Visit With "The Trainer"

Well, I don't know who had more anxiety tonight me or Tori.... I think I actually surpassed Tori. As we waited for 'the trainer' to come - I paced, stared out the window, and barked (orders at my family). It has truly happened - I have become part "DOG" ~ I realized that everything I was doing while waiting 'the trainer's' arrival was everything I was trying to break Tori of! As instructed, I had Tori quarantined from our part of the house. First off, she was about 10…

Added by shelly on August 11, 2010 at 10:00pm — 10 Comments

Is $248.00 Worth Peace of Mind?

You bet it is to me! Well let me preface this by saying last night my husband and I went out to dinner to celebrate our 27th anniversary. We left two "responsible" boys, ages 17 and almost 13 home with our very over protective, 'no more puppy'... "Tori-girl" (my in-laws have an apartment attached to our home - and they were home too -just in case). After a very nice dinner, we came home and the boys proceeded to tell us that Tori got in the garbage - (which my son was told… Continue

Added by shelly on August 7, 2010 at 7:30am — 32 Comments

Another Milestone

I feel like a mom who just took the training wheels off her child's bicycle.... In recent weeks I have noticed that Tori no longer rings her bells by the door to go out. (Sniff, sniff) She must think she's too big now for such immature communication - lol.… Continue

Added by shelly on July 22, 2010 at 10:20am — 8 Comments

Looks Like It's Our Turn...

Well, took Tori for her yearly check-up and vaccinations...and it seems that she had a fever - a pretty high one the doctor said.. 103.9. She has been sort of mopey the last few 4 days or so... but then would play, romp, etc. Her eating habits are not as good, but I just contributed that to possible habit change now that she's 2. But.. I should have trusted my 'gut' feeling that said something was just not right. I do notice that the last couple of weeks she has been - shall we say- more… Continue

Added by shelly on May 24, 2010 at 5:11pm — 19 Comments

Memories of my "Puppy-Girl"

Well... it's official... I say that with a sigh in my voice (well fingers)....Tori is now no longer considered a PUPPY. I can't believe she is already two years old! When I think back on her beginnings with us my emotions are varied... I can still remember the anticipation of awaiting the news of her… Continue

Added by shelly on March 19, 2010 at 9:40pm — 24 Comments

I-Dog Dragon

Day One and hour 2 ~ with the SUPPOSEDLY indestructible I-Dog Dragon... Tag: shredded, and top spine: torn... Well.... maybe I should enter Tori in the Guinness World Book of Records for strongest teeth.... We'll see how long this actually WILL last.... My DH was right....more money "well spent"... On a positive note - she does just LOVE it....

Added by shelly on January 15, 2010 at 12:29pm — 13 Comments


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