In my son's 2nd grade class they don't do a gift exchange. Instead the teacher sent home 24 sheets of Christmas-y looking paper and each child is supposed to write something nice to each student in the class. Nice idea in theory...
We were going down the list tonight and got to Heather. I asked Aaron if Heather was nice? He said, "Not really." I asked what she's good at? He said, "Stealing books off the teachers desk." I asked if she's a good reader? He said, "Nope." I asked if she's good at Math? He said, "She's good at cheating off my paper during math." I asked if she has any friends? He said, "I think she's friends with Remy." I said, "Is she nice to Remy?" He said, "I think so."
Heather's note reads; "Dear Heather, you are nice to Remy. From Aaron."
I didn't want him to lie, but didn't want to be mean either....
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