Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Bonnie and Kona Aug 29, 2011. 22 Replies 0 Favorites
I know we have alot of DKers in these areas. We've all been saying prayers. Please let us know how you guys fared, ok?
Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie Jun 14, 2011. 52 Replies 0 Favorites
I put this discussion on the debate page and didn't receive any replies, so I'll try it here on the forum. I am hearing about many doodles that have tummy problems. This HAS to come from the poodle…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter Dec 8, 2010. 22 Replies 0 Favorites
Sheila is shivering out in the snow. She loves to run in it, but gets cold and has snowballs all over her. And she shivers on walks sometimes now. Who has some cool coat recommendations? And…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Frannie & Callie Apr 23, 2010. 7 Replies 0 Favorites
I searched but didn't get much info on teeth brushing for our doodles. Sheila is getting her permanent teeth now and my vet says to be careful of the toothpastes w/ deodorants and chemicals in…Continue
Posted on April 7, 2011 at 12:35pm 3 Comments 0 Favorites
Hi from Sheila:
Hi all you doods. Yeah, it's spring and I have spring fever badly. I am so much friskier, and honestly, why is Mom so hyped up about my constant barking at everything that lives and breathes in the backyard? These brown fuzzy things tease me so from the top of the fence. They take alot of barking at bc I am only 9 lbs., so I have to puff myself up and really get after them. Boy I am fast, tho, and I check all four corners of my wooden fenced in yard. Zooming…
ContinuePosted on November 14, 2010 at 11:53am 7 Comments 0 Favorites
OWWIEEE Guys! I just had my second rotator cuff/labrum surgery done last Fri. It hurts so much more than the other one I had done six years ago. I'm older and dr. said joint just about worn out. He showed me all these pretty pictures of his work (he was so proud of himself) and I must have looked 1/2 dazed (yes, I did have to succomb to hydrocordone) so he said, basically you had bone removed, spurs removed and a shave and a haircut!! This is first time i've typed so forgive…
ContinuePosted on November 1, 2010 at 10:38pm 21 Comments 0 Favorites
Yikes. Sheila managed to stash all this stuff on her favorite blanket while I was switching out decorations from Halloween to Thanksgiving. Just one month ago while getting out Haloween decs, all she did was follow me and watch carefully, but never touching anything. Now today, DH and I have found needlepointed ornaments, leaves and other sundry items all over the house. The scary part was I never caught her or saw her. She was the quietest, sneakiest thief I've ever seen. What is happening…
ContinuePosted on August 28, 2010 at 9:16am 7 Comments 0 Favorites
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Happy Birthday DeeDee! Hope your day is wonderful with love, fun, celebrations and big Doodle kisses from Sheila!
Happy Belated Birthday!! So sorry we missed it! We hope you had a wonderful day!! : )
We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!
Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman
Hi DeeDee
Sorry for the late response! Latte does not shed ..yet. When Mochi was at this age he was going through coat change so he shed like crazy. I guess because they're from different parents so they're different. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Latte won't shed, but it's very unlikely since she's half golden.
I'm glad that Mochi and Latte are no more than 2 years old difference, I think that's why it's so easy for them to get along well.
Latte has a very sweet personality. The only thing I'd say she's not as good as her brother is the smartness. She learns everything much slower compared to Mochi when he was the same age. She also has narrower/longer snout because she's an American (vs. Mochi's an English), but still very cute. Other than that, she's VERY obedient and we never had to worry she gets into troubles. We used to puppy proof the house when Mochi was little but he still got into all kinds of troubles, but Latte just knows that those are not hers so she never touched or destroyed things. Latte also likes to cuddle with us whenever she finds a chance, I think her sweetness definitely came from her genes.
Let me know what litter you're going with, I'm excited for you! I think all Paw Pad doodles are super cute. I've saved some pictures from Latte's litter if you like me to send them to you so you get an idea how they look like at 7 weeks compared to the English litters (there are 2 litters on the Paw Pad page now:
Hi DeeDee
Latte's from Kelsey/Carson's litter. Mochi's from another breeder in California. Latte is still a cute little bully, she gets whatever she wants from Mochi's mouth and not scared of the big brother's growls. She also bites Mochi's face, ears, and legs, it's very fun to look at them play, Mochi's a very good brother that he growls a lot at her (while wagging tail) but loves her. Which litter are you waiting for?
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