Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It’s no secret that Leo is what one would call a “mission oriented” Doodle!

From the time he raises his head in the morning – till the time it hits the floor from exhaustion at night, he is one busy little dood…


Doesn’t matter where we go, he will grab “Wilson” and follow me EVERYWHERE


I can ask him to leap, sit, stay, and pose almost ANYWHERE, and he will…

IMG_4263 (1)

But for the past couple of days my lil furrbaby had been functioning at a slower speed. Everyday he seemed to be running low on doodle fuel. By Tuesday afternoon it was clear – Leo just wasn’t feeling his ole “happy-go-doodle” self…


Wednesday morning it “really” hit me (literally), when I came downstairs and was greeted by a“vile” and unpleasant surprise. Coffee would have to wait as I was forced to grab (what I’ve named) “the furrend I’d rather not see”


Since this “doodle belly typhoon” had surpassed my 72 hour test (if I can’t cure you in 72 hours then it’s time to see Doctor Doodle) I called his vet and got an evening appointment.

I don’t panic as much as I used to, but I do feel terrible when they don’t operate at 100% because try as they might, they can’t tell you what’s wrong.

DIAGNOSIS: Who knows!

PROGNOSIS: Whatever it was, I knew he would survive it, and I prayed Harley wouldn’t catch it!

REMEDY: A bland diet of boiled chicken breast for a few days along with some meds to “evict”whatever germ had tried to move in and take occupancy.

Friday night was uneventful, and Saturday morning he seemed to be on the mend, so we decided to try Agility Training. By the time we arrived, so had the rain, and once again we were forced to return indoors for some “creative fun.”

As soon as we entered the room, Leo gave a stunning performance miming his feelings about coming to class. He found a tiny corner of the couch to squeeze up on, did so, and refused to come down…


The other pup students were busy solving treat puzzles…



…while the two legged folks talked…


I explained Leo’s temporary meal plan to Karen the instructor. Since “boiled chicken pieces”weren’t in the treat toys, I thought it best to “pry” Leo from the couch and take him back home.

Harley was more than ready because he looked extremely hungry when we got to the car…


So far, so good! Since Saturday morning, he’s had multiple helpings of chicken, no loose stool ANDplenty of back rubs….


I believe we are making a turn here for the better!

PS: Carpet is back to glistening, love my BISSELL

Thanks for reading, caring and sharing – I’ll keep writing.

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Comment by Cathy C. Bennett on August 10, 2013 at 7:02am

GM Ginny - Nice to hear from you. Ironically, I have given some thought to the whole poultry thing, but I don't think either of my doods could tolerate beef. Leo's stool is back to normal thanks to some mashed potatoes. I am going to slowly re-introduce the dry food back into his life and I mean slowly. And wouldn't you know - during this entire week long "adventure he has had the nerve to gain weight - HA!

Harley is so happy to see his regular meal plan again - I thought I saw him dance a little jig in front of his bowl this morning. Thanks so much for your thoughts, theories and comments. Yogurt is a semi-regular treat (just a little) a few times a week in the morning- so he's getting that, just not yet!

I will have to log on to the food forum so I can pick up a few pointers from time to time. Love my DK family. Take care, and thanks again for sharing. Have a doodle*licious weekend.

Comment by Ginny Nightingale on August 9, 2013 at 8:37pm

So sorry to hear it--we were just talking on the forum about how some dogs develop issues with chicken--I can't call it an allergy, since I have no idea why it occurs, but many people including vets think that chicken and turkey are two foods to avoid. Could be that Leo has had chicken often and is no longer tolerating it--just a thought! 

Several of my friends have had doodles with intestinal distress lately and the vets have recommended lean hamburger, boiled and well-drained, and rice. That has done the trick. Could also be the antibiotics (which may be unnecessary since he probably does not have a bacterial issue) that are causing the tummy upset --and they also kill off the healthy bacteria of the gut, so he may need some yogurt to get that back on track--good luck!!!

Comment by Cathy C. Bennett on August 9, 2013 at 10:40am
Thanks! but seems like we've taken a few steps backwards. Had to go back to the vet yesterday - more antibiotics and a few more days of bland foods. Today there seemed to be a tiny break through, but I still need to wait a few more days before re-introducing his dry food. I'll keep everyone posted - thanks so much for reading!
Comment by Traz, Karen & Dale on August 9, 2013 at 10:10am

Glad that Leo is feeling better.  Gorgeous dogs :-)

Comment by Cathy C. Bennett on August 7, 2013 at 3:31pm

Hi Nancie - I am happy to say that "Mr. Bissell" is back in the storage room, where I hope he stays for quite awhile. Leo and Wilson hung out all day today, and we've started him back on dry food, so hopefully the worst is behind us. Thanks for reading.

Comment by Cathy C. Bennett on August 7, 2013 at 3:29pm

Hey Marnie - Stanlee's adorable! The ball is in a terrible state though. Leo never really tried to destroy his, although if I ignore him when he's with it, he will start to pull on it to annoy me. Thanks for reading.

Comment by Cathy C. Bennett on August 7, 2013 at 3:26pm

Thanks Nicky! I've started him back on dry food with the chicken (that's their regular diet)  and I'm waiting to see the status from the other end UGH! The things we do for our Doods...

Comment by Nicky, Riley & Boris on August 7, 2013 at 2:52pm

Gorgeous doodles and so glad Leo is all well again.

Comment by Marnie, Stanlee's Mom on August 7, 2013 at 7:31am

So glad Leo is on the mend.  Stanlee and I are both Wilson story lovers.  In fact, we love them so much we had to go out and purchase a Wilson of our very own.  It took all of 5 minutes to pop the ball and start chewing it up.  THIS is Stanlee's Wilson.


Not as cute as Leo......

Comment by Cathy C. Bennett on August 6, 2013 at 1:36pm

Thanks! - Leo is feeling much better. I've learned from trial and error, and this time I kept Harley on the same restricted diet. That stopped Leo from eating Harley's food, and it got in front of what might have been looming behind the scenes with Harley. Thanks so much for reading about the boys!


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