Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It has been a week with Eli. All I can say is he is such a sweet heart! He went to the Vet on Wednesday. His weight was up from 33p (on Monday) to 37p. I went through some stuff to get him wormed. The 1st sample I brought in came up clean. I could see the Tape worms so I knew he had them. Friday, I brought in another sample, I made sure there were worms in that sample....CAME up clean! I told the Tech, not possible I brought a sample that had worms in it! I know what Tape worms look like.He has worms. She asked Dr. Burton if I could still get worming meds?! Needless to say I got the pills. Grr.

He is eating slower and drinking less now. His poop is firm now. Eli has some food issues with Jordan. He would like to have both bowls. (I now feed them apart) but I am still keeping both filled at all times, I am hoping this helps him to understand food will now always be around.

Eli has separation anxiety, when Brian and I leave the house together he will pee inside. He does not chew things which is so nice. He does really well letting me know when he needs to go out.Not Brian so much.

Jordan has tried to rough house with him,Eli doesn't understand that she is playing and will end up defending himself. Jordan has stopped trying.

He is still fearful of strangers, he does not like loud noises,he will still get spooked by who knows what and run up to us and hide. We have a weight room and something in there has spooked him. I am thinking its the hand weights.He will bark and run and slink back growl,run away.

They are both doing well as can be expected sharing me. I just have to pet them both at the same time :)

I used to have one shadow now I have two :) Everywhere I go there is a doodle right next to me!

Eli is enjoying the training, he is getting there with sit, down, wait and stay. He will still try to jump on me when I get home from work. We have had a huge amount of rain here in W.Washington so I have not walked them yet. I do walk him around the yard on leash.He is not pulling as much.

It is nice to have a lap dog. Jordan is not a get in your lap and snuggle doodle. I enjoy Eli's snuggles :)

In all, Eli has some kinks but over all he is great boy.

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Comment by Kathy Spyker on December 14, 2010 at 6:19am

Eli sounds like he will come around to be a great pet with your help and love. My Lilly still will "stand up" and give us a hug when we come home. As much as I try to train her not to, she just gets too excited. Thanks for helping him and I hope you have a Great Holiday.

Comment by Tante & Jordan & now Annie! on December 13, 2010 at 6:54pm

I feed them Acana Grasslands.  :)

I posted a fight question on DRC, if either of you have any tips. There have only been to 2.

Comment by Frannie & Callie on December 13, 2010 at 6:46am

I'm laughing a little on the excitement over the firm poop! When I have foster I get SO excited with the first firm one! You got him there fast...I need to know what you're feeding him! Great job with're helping him be a healthy, confident doodle boy!





Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on December 13, 2010 at 2:43am

Thrilled to hear that Eli is settling in. The kinks will dissipate with your love, time and Jordan's influence. Bless you and Brian for taking Eli in and making his holiday one filled with love!


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