Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was hoping that I would be able to follow my last blog post with something humorous or interesting, but alas I am no Laurie and another boring blog post is what you all get.

I just thought I would add some recent photos of Darwin and update everyone on our happenings as of late. We've been super busy because school is in full swing, midterms were last week and I'm glad to be past that! Darwin is too - because it means we have more time to play! 

Darwin is great, his fur is getting fluffy again and he's just as adorable and goofy as always! Here are some of our recent adventures

We went camping at a local lake and it was beautiful! This was our first time having a true camping experience together (without a motor home or running water, etc) and the first time with Darwin. It was a really fun and not fun, and overall interesting experience for us! Darwin enjoyed some things and hated others.

Darwin did not enjoy

-The fact that he wasn't allowed to swim in the lake. What? No fair!

-The wind and the rain. I think this was a cause of the pacing.

-The bumpy car ride to get to the lake

-The fact that he couldn't play with the neighboring bulldogs.

-The fact that despite being on a camping trip, he was still expected to eat his regular kibble.

-The tent. He was up all night pacing. Since it was a 2 person tent, he was pacing directly on top of us.

Darwin did enjoy: 

-Leaving the tent at 3am to sit outside in the moonlight because we couldn't take the pacing and panting he was doing.

-The lake, even if he could only wade in it on leash.

-The insects, small animals, weeds, and questionable looking substances that he rubbed himself on

-Trying to eat the rocks, which we strongly discouraged much to his dismay.

-The small pieces of corn chips that he ate as we dropped them.

Things that I learned

-I should never assume that I'm smart enough to set up a tent.

-I should never bring Darwin on a camping trip and sleep in a tent with him.

-I should check the weather to make sure there isn't a rainstorm the night that we camp.

-Camping is fun but hotels are funner. :-)

Another fun thing was that Kate came for a short visit! Darwin was thrilled to see her, and they had a lovely couple of days snuggling and playing. We sometimes wish that Darwin loved us as much as Kate (or that Kate loved us as much as she does Darwin for that matter) but we console ourselves with knowing that they have each other and it makes them happy. He he. 

Since the weather has been getting cooler, Darwin is more prone to snuggle on the couch rather than laying on cold tile. I love it when he's cuddly! In warmer months it requires a good deal of effort to get him to snuggle with you. First off, you have to beg him to get up on the couch.

"Come on up Darwin. Darwin, come on. Please? Will you get up? Are you sure you don't want to get up?"

Then after a good amount of begging, he'll cave in and reluctantly get up. Then you have to push further, by grabbing him and hoisting him onto your lap (This can be bad news for your back). He'll humor you for a good 30 seconds, then move off to the other side of the couch and cuddle the armrest instead. He prefers the cool touch of furniture to a warm loving human being. Heartless.

BUUUT, in the cooler months, he's a sweet cuddly boy. I take advantage of this as much as possible! Just look at that face...

Our favorite thing so far has been running and playing in the crisp fall air! Watching Darwin makes me happy because he's so clumsy and goofball looking when he runs. People have compared the sight of it to a polar bear, a sheep, and even the abominable snowman. Oh, and a couple of people have called him a wrecking ball. Unfortunately he's not very aware of obstacles like human bodies, other dogs, large light poles, walls, holes in the ground, etc. It's a miracle he hasn't been injured.  I'd like to blame it the hair covering his eyes, but he does it when he's cut short too. LOL

Anyways, when he's playing and running he just looks so happy and it's infectious!

Anyways, it's been a really beautiful and enjoyable fall! I know I will probably take this back soon, but I can't wait for it to snow! Darwin loves the snow, and I love the holidays! 

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Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on October 21, 2013 at 3:38pm

No way this was boring, it was wonderful.

I am with you Camilla, camping if fun (really did I just say that, in what life time...oh yes when I was YOUR age) Hoteling is much more fun!

Love the photos as usual...thanks for the inside peak into your Fall.


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