Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This past week Andy Griffith died and I loved Andy Griffith.  Of course, I didn’t know him personally, but he has been in my home for years.  I was introduced to him as Sheriff Andy Taylor and I thought Mayberry, North Carolina, seemed like just about the best place in the world to grow up.  Sometimes, when they are running the Andy Griffith marathon on TV, I kid my husband about watching episode after episode, but I find myself listening for that whistle that starts the show and checking out the beginning just to see if I want to join him for the next thirty minutes.  The death of this TV icon has me feeling a little nostalgic this week because time seems like it is getting away from me.  I was a kid when we watched the original show and when I see that it first aired in 1960, I can’t believe that I am now on the other side of fifty and how all that time seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.  I am sure I am not the only one who remembers sitting around the one TV we owned with most of our family, munching on the popcorn our mothers just popped, and watching so many of the shows that are now considered classics. 


I just spent a week at the beach with my husband’s family and on one of the really hot days; my nieces and I watched a movie and my husband popped some Jiffy Pop popcorn.  They were not nearly as impressed with the Jiffy Pop popcorn as I was, and in fact preferred dipping pretzel rods into chocolate and peanut butter they had melted in the microwave, but I was giddy with my popcorn.   I guess it was because I remembered what a treat it was when my mom would spring for the “good stuff” and I almost hardly ever got a whole one to myself.  Another aunt didn’t think my nieces were following their mother’s instructions about eating a balanced meal, but I said if their mother wanted them better supervised, she should have stayed home and the nieces and I continued to happily eat our snacks.  I guess you could say I am the aunt who lets them melt stuff in the microwave and worries about the consequences later.


On the way up to the beach, we stopped at IHOP for lunch and I got my first ever Senior Citizen discount.  I am not counting the time my husband and I went to the movies and the girl behind the counter rang us up as seniors without even asking.  When I saw senior on our tickets, I almost went back and showed her what an irate almost senior was capable of doing to a youngster, but my husband reminded me about the individually wrapped candies I was hiding in my sweater pocket and I didn’t think I could free up a fist, since I was already holding onto the guard rail so I didn’t fall and break a hip.  Besides, it would have been embarrassing to come back into the theater late and yell, “John, where are you? I can’t see where I am going!”   Anyway, at IHOP, my wallet won out over my pride and I looked right at the waitress and said, “I would like that from the senior menu, please,” and then was a little perturbed that she didn’t ask to see my I.D.  I feel like at my next high school class reunion, I am going to be walking around like Haley Joel Osment did in the movie, The Sixth Sense, saying, “I see old people,” to my husband.


Maybe Andy Griffith’s death has me feeling particularly nostalgic, because it came at a time when I was at the beach with lots of nieces and nephews, and it seems like it was just yesterday that some of these “adults” were toddling around in diapers.  My one nephew insists on playing me tennis every year.  When we first started playing, he was no bigger than the racket, but that didn’t stop me from beating him and from the way I carried on you would have thought I just put Pete Sampras in his place rather than a kid just entering first grade.  For me, what I lack in skill on the tennis court, I make up with an over exaggerated sense of self and a whole lot of trash talking.  It is what keeps my opponents coming back year after year…the strong desire to put me in my place.  Well, this year the nephew enters high school and his tennis skills have improved considerably and we both know my time as the victor is coming to a close.  He has been working on a shot called “make Aunt Laurie run by dropping the ball just over the net,” despite the fact that I have told him repeatedly the game will go longer if he hits the ball directly to me and I really prefer not to move too much.   Luckily, my saving grace, so far, has been my long arms and you would be amazed how far I can reach just so I can yell, “looks like this old lady just opened a can of whoop ass on you,”  followed by a little dance move and some serious fist pumping. Sadly, I didn't think the arms were going to save me this year, so knowing that this year could be the year he was going to beat me, I did the only mature thing I could think of and ignored his desperate pleas begging me to play tennis and instead came up with excuse after excuse why that was not going to happen.  Sometimes, with age comes wisdom.


In some ways at the beach, it seems as if time has stood still.  Year after year, my sister-in-law and I play a game called, “I Got You Last,” which involves the both of us slapping each other all the way to my car in an attempt to be the last one to touch the other.  The game started when she was in Fifth grade and she is now 47.  In fact, at one point, I yelled, “We need to stop playing this game. I am 55 and you are 47 and we are mature adults,” but since I ended my declaration with a hit to her body, for some odd reason she continued to hit back.  Usually, I have my husband hold her while I get in the car and lock the door and then I continue to scream, "Got you last, loser!" and if he ever seems to be reluctant to help me, I always threaten to withhold human affection and other things that he holds dear, but this year my sister-in-law and I both noticed that my threat seemed less effective than in years past. It was only after I played my trump card and added that we had a nine-hour drive ahead of us and I was feeling particularly chatty, IF he didn’t hold his sister back, that he jumped right on board. 


Normally, I don’t run around all day saying, “I’m getting so old,” mostly because I am too busy looking for my car keys, my eye glasses, or my cell phone, but I thought it a lot this week.  I thought it when I said goodbye to the nephew we started calling, “Little John,” when he was three, so “Big John,” (my DH) didn’t get confused every time we said, “John, go potty before we go to the beach.” Now, Little John is taller than Big John and off to college in the fall.  He also has stopped saying he wants to ride in the car with Big John, and adding, “but her can’t come,” pointing his little finger in my direction as he hopped into the back seat.  We still laugh about that one.  Don’t worry, though, I’ll get over this feeling and file my thoughts back into the part of my brain I like to call my, “Denial and Avoidance,” file.  The age file goes somewhere in front of the weight file.  I knew Andy Griffith was getting older.  After all, I have a mother who watches Matlock every morning and God help the person who calls her during the show.  It is just that for me Andy Griffith will forever be Sheriff Andy Taylor and a part of me will always be that little girl who loved watching that show.


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Comment by Nancie & Gracie Doodle on July 8, 2012 at 2:07pm

Laurie...welcome back!  What I want to know is how the Doodles are and how they responded to you when you walked into the house?  I'm sure there is a blog coming for that event!!!  I loved the Andy Griffith show...good ol' Aunt Bea too!  I think the last time I saw Andy Griffith was on a country music video with Brad Paisley.  It was really good...few years back and he was still going strong!  As far as senior discounts I have been getting them for years.  I drive through Jack in The Box (don't know if you have those back there) for my wax cup, straw and diet coke and ask for the senior discount every time.  I am still trying to convince my almost 71 year old husband to remember to ask for discounts when we go places.  He doesn't even think about it and some of the entrance fees to events you can save big time!  Same with meals.  My Medicare becomes active August 1st!!!  And so now you know the old I really am!  ha ha  Enjoy the discounts!

Comment by Doris, Knox & Flash on July 8, 2012 at 1:14pm
When I read the title of your blog , I knew it was going to be a good one and you didn't disappoint! I have such fond memories of Mayberry RFD and rushing into the house after school to beat my sis to our one and only TV to watch Mayberry RFD! Thanks for the scroll down memory lane!!

As for your vacation, it sounds like it was a great one, but geez, aren't you a bit competitive?? It's one thing to beat your "virtual" friends at games on here or at WWF with some of us, but sweet 'lil kids that are also
family?? Goodness....
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on July 8, 2012 at 12:46pm

Wonderful blog, Laurie....I've missed you.  I must admit that I really love using my Senior Citizen Discount...I sort of feel like I've earned it.  I definitely understand about feeling like time is just going way too fast.  I'm trying to cram as much into my life now as I possibly can.  I really love this phase of life.  I spent so many years trying to keep all the "spinning plates" in the air, that I think it's a blessing to get up in the morning and do pretty much whatever I want.....which always involves Doodles.

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on July 8, 2012 at 12:34pm

Carol, Thank you!! How wonderful to have a dad like Andy :) I find myself thinking that a lot....that times used to be simpler....I guess we are getting older...LOL!

Jane, I used to say "pop" all the time when we first moved to MD and got the strangest looks. I still like the sound of it, better than soda :) The Ghost and Mr. Chicken with Don Knotts was one of my very favorite movies when I was growing up.

Lisa, OMD...Ron Howard is older than us. Wow!!! I am glad you had fun on your birthday with your surprise company :)

F, favorite part of your comment was when you called me youngster :) LOL

Kaytlin, Do yourself a favor and rent a couple of the older shows. It is sweet and shows a simpler time. I cannot believe you never heard of young are you? LOL

Karen, Thank you for your nice comment. When we went to our 20th HS reunion, the part that surprised me most was all the bald heads. Luckily, my DH still has his hair :)  I loved little Opie!

Janie, We did not take the Doodles with us. My sister-in-law owns the beach house and has a "no dogs" policy and we understand, plus it is so darn hot and filled to the brim with relatives :) They stayed with my DD, so I did not worry as much. Maybe next year you could take one vacation with Jack and then one to Aruba and you wouldn't feel so guilty. I worry, too, every time I leave them.

Lucy and Sophie's Mom, OMD...the same outfit down to the shoes. I hope you told her she had good taste...LOL!! I love the picture and may post it on my page, too. I remember when I thought 60 was, the tables have turned :)

Elizabeth, Oh, I had forgotten about The Wizard of Oz and remember, Cinderella, with Lesley Ann Warren. I thought TV dinners were the greatest thing ever and especially if I ate it on a TV tray....LOL!! I LOVED Little House on the Prairie....still do. Nite, Elizabeth...LOL!! Sometimes, I do not set a very good example for the next generation :)

Comment by Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin on July 8, 2012 at 12:10pm

Oh and by the way.....I just love this...Made me giggle out loud!!

Luckily, my saving grace, so far, has been my long arms and you would be amazed how far I can reach just so I can yell, “looks like this old lady just opened a can of whoop ass on you,” followed by a little dance move and some serious fist pumping.

Comment by Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin on July 8, 2012 at 12:08pm

I loved your blog and enjoyed the trip down memory lane with family "TV traditions".  I remember it was like a holiday when once a year they would play The Wizard of Oz" on TV.  We would eat dinner early and have the popcorn and Kool Aid ready to watch...and every Sunday night it was Disney night....sigh..oh the good ol'days!!!


But I do have to say my favorite shows were Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons.....nite Jim Bob...nite Elizabeth...hehe my DH name is Jim  ; )

Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on July 8, 2012 at 10:10am
This appeared on my facebook page several times over the last few days and I think says it all about our memories of Andy! 


As for getting older, I had a situation in the past week that I think proved that I've gone over that age where not too much matters to me anymore.  I'm pretty much ok with myself and don't care what others think. As most of you know my Niece got married last week-end.  I had spent about 5 months worrying about nothing else.  When the big day finally came, just as it was getting ready for things to start I walked into the Church and see my Sister In Law dressed in the very same outfit, down to the same color shoes as me.  In times past, I would have been horrified and rushed home to change before the reception.  However, I just laughed about it the rest of the day.  As I was in charge of getting everything served at the reception I told her that I tricked her and she was actually dressed in the servants attire and to get busy serving!   DH has been getting the Senior Discounts for a few years now and I'm starting to qualify in a few places myself, and I'm happy to take each and every one of them.  I figure if I have to be this age I may as well get something good out of it!  Now all you youngsters out there laughing at our talking about this, just keep laughing, because tomorrow it is going to be you, because yesterday I was you!
Comment by Janie, Jackson and Jilly on July 8, 2012 at 9:51am

I too was sad to hear about Andy Griffith! I haven't seen one of those old reruns lately, but will have to watch next time one is on. How I wanted to spend a day in Mayberry!

I love the "I Got You Last" game and even at our age, I know if I tried that with my brother, he'd get me right back! He'll be coming out here from Dallas in another week.. So Joey - watch out! 

Your vacation sounds great! Did you bring the doodles? We were in Aruba last week and we have a time share and go every year, but how can I keep doing this without Jack?! He was with my parents and as happy and spoiled as can be, but I constantly thought of him!! I actually found what I called my Aruba dood to spend some time with:

but feared that he and his family would tire of me! LOL I'll have to figure out what to do next year..

Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on July 8, 2012 at 8:55am

I was saddened by Andy Griffith's passing as well, and I too will always think of him as Sheriff Andy Taylor.

Ron Howard is two years younger than I am, and I still get a shock every time I see a picture of that bald head, lol. To me, he's still Opie.

The child we were is always still there inside of us, no matter how many birthdays we've celebrated. Thanks for reminding me of that, Laurie.

RIP, Andy.

Comment by Kaytlin and Cooper on July 8, 2012 at 8:37am

I have to admit, until he died, I have never heard of him! Must be an age thing, or maybe he wasnt big in the UK


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