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Graduation season... Life's true valedictorians.....

 I am so over joyed today.

Some of you may know, but I work as a school social worker at local public school. Part of my job is to assist homeless students with transportation and other school needs to ensure their success in school. I also work as a mental health therapist for kids some of  the evenings as my second job.

Today was overwhelmingly joyful day for me to hear two wonderful news. I thought these two seniors are really, true valedictorians in my eyes. They over came life's most significant obstacles and proudly graduate this Friday. 


Student K.L from my school... He attended our school last year as 11th grader, but moved to Georgia in the middle of the year with his mom. His mom is chronically ill and is disable, and it is just he and his mom. They moved back to Pittsburgh around December, only to find themselves homeless and living in the Salvation Army Shelter. Because they are homeless, they had no proof to show where they lived in order for K.L to register for school. Many school district around the areas turned him down for this very reason. But, I figured, we are the last school he attended in state of PA, so we registered him. However, our guidance stated that some of his credit he earned in Georgia will not be transferred since we did not offer those courses, and he will have to do another year of senior year in order for him to graduate. He was becoming agitated and discouraged by this time. But K.L was determined to graduate this year, he and I worked together to find alternative options. He chose to attend diploma retrieval program, and vigorously worked to finish up all of the required courses. During this time, his mom has been hospitalized and he had to care for her as well. Honestly, I thought he would be able to finish by end of the summer if he worked very hard, and/ or may be by December. This afternoon, he left me a phone message. " Ms. Henson, my graduation is this Friday I would love you to come." It made me cry......


J.B was my client from my second job. Before I met her, she lived with her bipolar and drug addicted mom until age 10... she was so smart, one day, she called her grandmother and told her that she would have to come get her and her younger sister because mom was on drug. I met her after grandmother got a custody of her. She had significant behavioral issues, did not do well at all academically, running away,  getting in trouble with law,  etc....  school had suggested that she should be tested for special education. grandmother believed in her and fought with school, hired private tutor, did everything she can possibly do to improve her granddaughter.  She successfully discharged from the care of my agency about a year ago... Today she texted me and said," Kyoko, are you coming to my graduation? I am graduating with Honor! I have an Honor rope!"


These kids whose life situation has been so difficult, but were determined to graduate, are the true valedictorians in my eyes......



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Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on June 3, 2013 at 9:52am
What wonderful news about these two determined young people!
Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on June 2, 2013 at 7:11am

Kyoko, you are making such a difference! Congratulations doesn't even begin to cover it, when you see the hardships these kids have had to overcome and the the effort you've put into reaching and inspiring them. You and these kids are true heroes in my book :) You should be so proud. Wishing you & them all the best.

Comment by Kyoko on May 31, 2013 at 8:38pm

I made it to both of their graduation tonight!! One started at 6:00, I stayed until everyone received their diploma (This was a small graduation for the Diploma Retrieval Program )and left, then drove to a high school graduation starting at 7:00. I missed the speech but got to see her receive her diploma!!  While I was at the Diploma Retrieval Program's graduation, I saw another boy from my school there. He was a biggest pot head with a baby son, dropped out in the senior year last year. I used to call him to wake him up every day!! LOL. I did send him to that program, but I was not so sure if he would follow through with it. I was happy to see him graduate as well!

Comment by Lynda Kamrath on May 31, 2013 at 5:30pm

Beautiful stories.  Thanks for sharing.

Comment by Nicky, Riley & Boris on May 31, 2013 at 12:07pm

How wonderful to read about these remarkable young people who in the face of adversity have proved that you can overcome and achieve regardless of tremendous difficulties.  You have a right to be very proud for you have helped change their lives for the better and for society in general.

Comment by Janie, Jackson and Jilly on May 31, 2013 at 4:16am

What a great post, you should be so proud!

Comment by F, Calla & Luca on May 30, 2013 at 6:19pm

What wonderful success stories Kyoko. I am sure your help was significant for these kids. Congratulations to all.

Comment by Kyoko on May 30, 2013 at 5:43pm

These kids did it. I am so proud of them. makes me forget about silly demand from the education board !!! LOL

Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on May 30, 2013 at 2:06pm

And this is why we work in education!  Kyoko, pat yourself on the back also - you made a difference in these young people's lives.

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on May 30, 2013 at 12:40pm

Kyoko, This made my day. You are a hero and I am very proud of you. These two kids sound amazing and I hope they continue to do well and go on to make the world a better place! Congratulations to them and to you!!


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