I dropped Yankee off at the groomer this morning. I said I wanted his tail trimmed as well so she asked if I wanted a fox tail cut. I don't know what that is but I think I said yes. Should be interesting.
i have been through 3 groomers and the third was the magical charm..i found a picture, brought it to her and buddy came out perfect...teddy bear cut...not long, but not short...first groomer did a great job then when i brought him in the second time, she shaved him to the bone (he may have had some matts, but not enough to warrant a full blown shaving) AND it was Thanksgiving time - COLD...never went back....it takes a few groomers but someone will get it right!
Totally agree -- just posted something like that -- I told the groomer that I wanted a long scruffy look just to clean her up and she came back totally poodly! Ughh -- I know it will grow back but not the point.
You must find someone who has experience grooming doodles and be very specific each and every time you go. Pictures are the best way to avoid mistakes. Our grooming group doesn't have any pictures for members to use for this purpose. I was surprised. We definitely pictures of doodles with happy haircuts that we can use.
Exactly! What is wrong with these groomers? I am NOT going back there. I liked it because he wasn't crated and could play with other dogs while he waited. They seem really good and loving with the dogs but their job is to do what I asked and groom him the way I want.
We took Cali to a different groomer last week, we were looking for a summer cut. I had got her mats out before she went and her hair was really long. She was in definite need of a grooming. They SHAVED her, you could see skin. I could have saved my 60.00 and shaved her myself. I was horrified and feel bad for as I feel like all the neighbor dogs are probably laughing at her new doo. Her tail was shaved and she has this poof ball at the end, what the h--- is that? My husband says she looks like she got a military cut.... she won't go back to that groomer ever!!!
I am not happy!!!!!!! The tail is fine, it's just short like a regular tail. I am angry because they shaved his nose. I have told them before to NEVER shave his nose like a poodle. It looks terrible and he knows it. The groomer was supposed to call me when he was done and I did not get a call. I just decided to go and see if he was ready and the groomer had left already. Someone is going to get a phone call in the morning.
How did it turn out? I would think a fox-tail cut is still bushy but evened out??? My son thinks our GD needs his ears and tail cut to match the proportion of the hair on his body. Maybe next time.
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